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In case you missed it: Check out this important press release from HUD's Office of Fair Housing; they're helping to turn the tide against maternal housing discrimination!
Anita's picture
"It's discriminatory to deny housing to a woman for violence committed against her. To face discrimination, on top of domestic violence, only compounds the injustice," said Gustavo Velasquez, HUD's Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.
Anita's picture
When we hear that some one is expecting a baby, we wait for the next big announcement: girl or boy. Sadly for one of every four babies the next announcement is about a death from miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. (World Health Organization 2013) WAIT - PLEASE! Do not turn away. We can...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
Exactly one year ago, open enrollment in the federal and state health insurance marketplaces opened! Honestly, this first year of the marketplaces felt a lot like the first year of parenthood. There were thrills, spills and a lot of unknowns. Thankfully, we've come a LONG way from the early days...
Ashley Boyd's picture
“We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present.” ― Marianne Williamson I once spoke at a girls empowerment conference to a group of three hundred ten to thirteen-year-olds. As I was waiting to go on stage, I overheard a small...
Renee Trudeau's picture
We insist our kids wear bike helmets and seatbelts, and look both ways before crossing the street. We demand playground equipment that’s safe and schoolrooms without lead paint. So did you ever imagine when you send your child to school that he or she could be in the vulnerability zone of a toxic...
Katherine McFate's picture
"Girls' voices matter. Women's voices matter. From PTA meetings and community boards to the halls of Congress, our country needs more women to share their thoughts and take a place at the decision-making table." -- U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Kristin's picture
October brings shorter days, crisp apples, pumpkins and Halloween. It heralds in the beginning of the holiday season that will last until January. It also marks the beginning of Halloween candy, school parties and an onslaught of junk food that your kids are exposed to this time of year. Yet, we...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
I’ve tried to raise a responsible, engaged American, and I’ve worked hard to make sure she appreciates her privilege as a U.S. citizen to have a voice in our democracy, and her duty to exercise it.
Gloria Pan's picture
I remember when I first found out I would be unable to have children. My doctor said, “if only” I had only gotten my obviously out-of-the-ordinary menstrual cycle and ovarian pain checked out early, then treatment would have been more effective.
Genesis Garfio's picture
