Today more than 23 million children and teens in the U.S. are overweight or obese contributing to the rise of diabetes in our youth. As a result, it's become important for parents to learn the difference between the two types of diabetes, their symptoms, and what can be done to keep children healthy.
Share your tips, resources and experience during #FoodFri with @MomsRising and its Spanish language account, @MamásConPoder, on November 7, 2014, at 1pm, EST, as we chat with @dulce_guerrero, and her Spanish language account, @esdiabeteshf.
Feel free to spread the word, in English and Spanish, by clicking below.

To join and follow the conversation on Twitter use the #FoodFri Hashtag in each tweet.
You can also follow the chat on Twubs.com/FoodFri. Twubs allows you to follow MomsRising’s registered hashtags by creating an account. Below I have noted the steps.
- Create an account using an email or your Twitter account.
- Enter the desired hashtag, #FoodFri, #WellnessWed or #EcoTipTue, in the search box found at the top of the page. Click Enter. A new page will open with the desired chat.
- Find the “Join This Twub” button found on the right-hand side bar and join the group.
- Adjust the speed of the conversation to your liking. Options are: Fast, Medium, Slow, Slower, or Slowest.
- Introduce yourself and join the conversation, by entering your comment, tips, or questions in the “Tweet to #FoodFri as [YourName] box”
- Or, respond to a specific tweet by hovering over the right-hand side of the individual’s tweet and selecting one of the icons.
More about our #FoodFri Featured Panelist(s):
Mila started to blog about type 1 diabetes on July 2011, five years after Jaime, her youngest son, was diagnosed with type 1 at the age of three. She lives every single day advocating for more and better education about diabetes, not only for the people affected by this condition and their family, but for the general population.Through her blog Jaime, mi dulce guerrero she shares her experiences and provides peer-to-peer support for our Latino community. Mila is a well-known advocate for educating Latino parents who have children with diabetes through her renowned blog, strong social media presence, and participation in health conferences. She has been recognized as “Diabetes Leaders” by the IDF(International Diabetes Federation), and as a Top Latina Influential Blogger, by LATISM . Mila is a member of the Diabetes Advocates (DA), a collective of individuals and organizations that offer expertise, resources, and support to those touched by diabetes. She is one of the few Spanish resources for the DA and their only parent of children with diabetes Spanish resource. Mila is the Community Manager on EsTuDiabetes.org, the largest Hispanic online community for people touched by diabetes.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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