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Nat'l Women's Health Week
I sat frozen as my doctor told me the truth. The cold. Hard. Truth. I was not O.K.
Elizabeth Martin's picture
After signing a bill to outlaw the shackling of women in labor, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told the packed room, “It blows my mind that I have to sign a law for that.”
Rachel Roth's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week
I'm a mom, a stay-at-home mom, with ADD.
Stephanie Lormand's picture
Mom Victory! My son knows it's important to eat healthy, fresh food. But it's still not easy to get him to actually eat it. That's why I'm so proud of getting not only him - but his ENTIRE CLASS OF 4-YEAR OLDS - to eat Rainbow Salad Wraps on this Food Revolution Day (#FRD2014)! Woot! Jamie Oliver's...
Karen Showalter's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week
Moms’ health matters because their family depends on them. That’s the overwhelming sentiment received from our Facebook and Twitter followers.
Sarah Ingersoll's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week
Every Tuesday, I try to write something I learn or take away from raising kids with disabilities. This week, it’s a little more closer to home, in that I’m thinking about how raising my children has directly changed my life.
Gina Badalaty's picture
Three years ago, we connected over a cold email. Both of us were baffled by the same question - we’ve been covering the issues of food and diet for 30 years and we were still baffled by why the problem keeps getting worse. Why is this?”
Katie Couric's picture
Recently, CMS released 2012 rates of participation for children in Medicaid and CHIP. For the last few years, our friends at the Urban Institute have been calculating them.
Karina Wagnerman's picture
Take Action!
Which is it: Are we supposed to "Lean In" or not? Apparently, "leaning in" can get you FIRED when you start asking inconvenient questions!
Ruth Martin's picture
Dear Marianne, Welcome to this week's Good Food Force update! Please find updates, resources and action ideas below. 1. The Hot Line: Threats to healthy lunches, and No Big Potato! Healthy changes to school meals are under attack! We're anticipating a new pushback on the meal standards, which went...
Karen Showalter's picture
