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As public pressure continues to grow on food, beverage, restaurant, and entertainment companies to limit unhealthy food marketing to children, companies are pushing back and trying to shift the blame from their products and marketing tactics to parents. Industry talking points emphasize the...
Margo Wootan's picture
I know Halloween only comes once a year and what harm can it possibly do, but why shouldn’t we at least try to go a healthier route with our children this time of year? After all, with such a high increase of obesity and diabetes in young children, why not begin the journey to a healthier life...
Eileen Campos's picture
Halloween in our house, like many others, is full of excitement – from carving pumpkins, decorating, and picking costumes, it’s a time of year both my daughter and I look forward too. I’ve always wanted to show my daughter that Halloween is much more than ‘trick-or-treating’ and getting bags full...
Elizabeth Alexander's picture
California has the largest number of uninsured residents in the country. According to the California HealthCare Foundation, 7.1 million Californians now have no insurance. This comes at a time when more California businesses are cutting health benefits for employees and the costs for private health...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Food marketers are pioneers on the frontier of marketing, producing some of the most engaging and sophisticated advertising around. Too bad they are using such creativity to target kids with sugar, salt, fat and other junk. The examples come so fast we can barely keep track of them (though we try...
Lori Dorfman's picture
This Halloween, when shopping for candy, why not ditch the fun size bars for something really fun without breaking the bank? To say that I have a sweet tooth would be similar to suggesting that fish like to get wet. I still have strong childhood memories of exactly which houses gave out the best...
Jeannette Bezinque's picture
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the California Center for Public Health Advocacy recently released Still Bubbling Over, a report showing that the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, including soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks, is increasing among Latino adolescents living...
Xavier Morales's picture
Junk food marketing to kids is a huge piece of the U.S. obesity puzzle and Latino youth are a prime target for marketers, largely because of their large population numbers. Currently they comprise 22% of all U.S. youth and by 2025 will rise to 30%. But sheer numbers aren’t the only reason Latino...
Amelie Ramirez's picture
Every day, 12- to 14-year-old kids see an average of 15 food ads on television, and preschoolers see 11. Special offers and food-themed games pop up on children’s websites, and companies can now send personalized ads directly to kids’ cell phones. Brightly-colored packages line grocery store aisles...
Sabrina Adler's picture
As a mom of two small children I know the struggle that parents have trying to find healthy alternatives to some of the goodies that kids ask (beg, plead, and nag) for. I've joined up with the MomsRising Halloween Blog Carnival because I truly believe that in order for our kids to someday be...
Sarah Heflin's picture
