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Question: I worked hard to advocate for the passage of the health reform law. I know that it will bring needed help to many people, including some in my family. However, I still hear so many people spreading myths about it—whether it’s death panels or huge new taxes, these rumors never seem to die...
Two million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits next month if Congress doesn't act quickly. This would be a disaster for families who will have no money for food, rent, gas or clothing. It would also create hardship for half a million people who could lose their jobs because economic...
Tis the season for turkey, kitschy side dishes, and once-a-year meals. But, before the family festivities can start, there's one thing left to do: Tell Congress to pass the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S.3307), a piece of legislation that could affect the meals our children eat every day. The...
Sarah Francis's picture
About a week before Thanksgiving until New Year’s, like many I brace myself for long searches for a parking space at the grocery store and strategic queuing at the check-out line; I try to shop enough at one store to earn the frozen turkey give-away, and scramble to find that great stuffing recipe...
Homa Tavangar's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Your (Wo)man in Washington Guest Post - by Mindy Fried I came across this essay by sociologist Mindy Fried about the lack of paid family leave in the US versus how common it is around the...
Valerie Young's picture
Toys "R" Us - you've been very naughty these past few years. We were esctatic back in 2008 when Toys R Us pledged to reduce the use of PVC and offer more PVC-free products. Unfortunately they haven't kept their word. That's why we and the Teamsters Office of Consumer Affairs have released a new...
Mike Schade's picture
Hey, we hit it big time in the mainstream media! USA Today just published an op-ed by MomsRising’s own Joan Blades that links business success with issues near and dear to us: Fair pay, workplace flexibility, and respect for the lives and ambitions of all workers. The op-ed covers the growing body...
joan's picture
As the economy slowly recovers, it's no secret that companies would like to boost productivity and profits. Many think the best way to do so is to slash costs. As an entrepreneur and business owner, though, I'd like to suggest another idea: Pay your employees more. That's not as crazy as it sounds...
joan's picture
Monday, November 29 is our last best hope for the Senate to pass food safety reform. That’s something I hope we can be thankful for next week. Part of the point of Thanksgiving is to appreciate the incredible bounty of foods we enjoy and often take for granted. Imagine what the Pilgrims who landed...
Mike Jacobson's picture
As you may have heard, women still make only 77 cents on every dollar a man earns, and in recent years, progress on closing the pay gap has nearly ground to a halt. On Wednesday, the Paycheck Fairness Act, which was supposed to right this wrong, was defeated on the Senate floor . I’ll try not to...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
