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Earlier this year I was helping out with the census. I was working late night shifts, early morning shifts, all kinds of shifts and was blown away by the people that were there working on the census with me. I was doing the job because I wanted to make sure that I was helping with the process. The...
Kety Esquivel's picture
Picture it: Thanksgiving, circa 1990. The table filled the entire room and overflowed with guests, so many that looking back all I remember is a blur of noise and food and endless pies. But in that blur, one thing stands out: green bean casserole. The white ceramic crock, crisp and brown on top...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
With the convergence this week of International Education Week , the Summit for Citizen Diplomacy and the Eid holiday, I wanted to share the following review with readers of MomsRising. I paused when I saw the title of Roya Movafegh's first book, The People With No Camel . The grammar, the possible...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Question: I currently have a pre-existing condition. When will insurance companies be prohibited from denying coverage and charging exorbitant premiums to people with pre-existing conditions? Answer: An end to insurance company discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions will be...
We're mad, we're sad! The Paycheck Fairness Act came to the Senate floor yesterday and was defeated in a procedural vote . This is pathetic. Not only does this hurt working women today, it also sends a dangerous message to employers that it's safe to pay women less for equal work. Outrageous! "My...
Kristin's picture
There's PVC and even lead -- still! -- in toys that feature beloved children characters like Dora the Explorer, Spongebob Squarepants and Mickey Mouse. And despite its promise two years ago to clean up its toys, giant retailer Toys R Us is still selling plenty of toxic toys . The Center for Health...
You probably didn’t know it, but today is Parents’ Day. For 89 years, during the third week in November, we celebrate American Education Week, and each day of the week we celebrate a different aspect of what makes education work. Today is Parents’ Day. Any teacher will tell you how much we rely on...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
There was good news for our flailing economy from the Bureau of Labor Statistics this month. More than 150,000 jobs were added in the United States in October and private sector payrolls grew by 159,000. But there was some news that didn’t change: unemployment held steady at 9.6 percent. Almost 15...
Linda Meric's picture
By Judy Waxman , Vice President for Health and Reproductive Rights, National Women's Law Center The process of implementing the new health care law continues this week as a panel of independent experts meet to begin to develop evidence-based preventive health guidelines for women that will be used...
Thao Nguyen's picture
I remember when I first started teaching sometime in the late 1800s when one of the moms of one of my 4th graders came to the class to apologize. She had always been The Room Mother for her kids, but this year she was working outside the home, and she was apologizing...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
