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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
Happy 2020! It’s January and our work to strengthen this movement of women, moms, and families already has MOMentum! I’ll start with great news: Thanks to donors like you, we exceeded our fundraising goal in our 2019 end-of-year giving campaign, activating our match! That means we brought in more...
Anita's picture
An overview of Maternal Justice-related federal and state policy updates.
Nadia's picture
True to form, this Friday the Thirteenth was rough for me. Murphy’s Law overtook my day: what could go wrong did go wrong. So, I don’t know what I expected when I pulled up to Aldi at 7:30pm. I always feel bad going into a store right before it closes, but I was pretty psyched to have some fresh food!
Jessica Burroughs's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic with a photo of a person with short hair looking straight at the camera, and text that says 'Hear how Eli fights hunger at work and at home as an AmeriCorp VISTA]
Let’s talk about food insecurity. Did you know that 34% of students at UNC Greensboro experience food insecurity at some point during the semester? That’s 6,836 of the 20,106 students enrolled in the Fall 2018 semester. Not to mention, Greensboro is ranked #9 in the country for food insecurity in metropolitan areas.
Jessica Burroughs's picture
public charge
What’s happening? On January 27, 2020, after being blocked by lower courts, the United States Supreme Court temporarily set aside the preliminary injunctions that prevented DHS’ public charge rule from taking effect, making it more difficult for low-income immigrants seeking to come to or trying to...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A family of four-- a woman, a man, three children, with fair skin, look at the camera slightly smiling.]
“You are so busy, I don’t know how you do it!” If I were good at math I’d tally up and figure out how rich I’d be if I had a nickle for the amount of times in a week I hear this phrase. I am not good at math however. For the past eleven years I have been a stay at home parent, homeschool mom to 1,...
Marcella Termini's picture
We want to share the good news with you! The North Carolina Dental Board has just made changes that will give thousands more NC children access to basic, preventive dental care. Now that’s news that makes us smile! 234 MomsRising members, along with other North Carolinians, recently urged the NC...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic image with a picture of a cupcake that says "Don't frost the American people. Bake in democracy now!"]
As moms, we know we must protect our democracy for our children—and for our nation. By the end of this week, the U.S. Senate will face a crucial vote in the impeachment trial of President Trump. What’s at stake is whether witnesses and new documentary evidence can be presented BEFORE a vote to...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Support the Work!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of cupcakes with an impeachment message in the frosting.]
Last week, MomsRising delivered impeachment cupcakes to U.S. Senate Republican offices with the message: “Don’t frost the American people. Bake in democracy now!” And you know what? Even though they may not all have liked our message, every single GOP office we visited welcomed us and accepted our...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Anita Sackuvich speaking at Governor Brad Little’s State of the State address
My name is Anita, I’m a single mother to two children with disabilities and work as a caregiver making $13 an hour in an assisted living facility. While I love my job dearly, it hasn’t provided health benefits. Last Wednesday on January 1st, that all changed when I finally got health coverage for the first time in six years through Medicaid.
Say Ahhh's picture
