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Check out the Human Needs Report for the latest on Congress's spending deal, a victory for minimum wage workers, a new attack on migrants, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A nature landscape photo featuring pines, granite outcroppings, and a serene pond reflecting the scenery.]
The first week of June, David Jay of the Center for Humane Technology and I co-hosted a Living Room Conversation about how technology is impacting our relationships, a conversation titled Digital Dialogue . Conversation participants were two teens, a leader in the world of mindfulness, a new father...
joan's picture
Once again, the Trump Administration and Congress are headed towards the brink. In September, services we need may come to a screeching halt unless new funding levels and the federal government’s authority to borrow are renewed. Since Congress will be leaving for August recess in a few weeks, these...
Abbie Gately's picture
MomsRising members from across the country are telling us that they are scared. Members who are women of color and immigrants, and those based in North Carolina, in particular, found the chants of ‘send her back’ at President Trump’s campaign rally in Greenville last night to be terrifying. Moms...
BethM's picture
Guest Blogger
I am the founder and CEO of The Derschang Group ; a mix of restaurants, cafes, and bars in Seattle, Washington. My first business was Linda’s Tavern, established in 1994, a neighborhood bar that’s become a Capitol Hill institution. In the decades since, I’ve launched eleven bars and restaurants are...
Linda Derschang's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]
Check out three top posts from the MomsRising blog in the last week: Read our statement on raising the minimum wage, check out a small business owner's perspective on WA paid leave, and take action on the Trump administration's inhumane immigration policies-->
Anita's picture
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, including hot items on taxes, family separation, childcare, and more. Your voice is urgently needed; please scroll through to be sure you've signed them all. Then share with friends and family, too! 1. Speak Out: Every Member of...
Karen Showalter's picture
I was devastated by the loss earlier this year of Dr. Donald Stewart. He and his wife Isabel Carter Stewart have been among my dearest, dearest friends. Donald served as president of my alma mater Spelman College from 1976 to 1986, overlapping with my own tenure on Spelman’s Board of Trustees and...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
"We applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for standing up for low-wage workers and families by passing the Raise the Wage Act, which would boost the paychecks of millions of moms and help lift families out of poverty. Today’s action was long overdue. Congress has not increased the minimum wage...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!
There are parents across the nation holding their scared children tight right now, children who are terrified of what tomorrow could bring. It’s not an imaginary “monster under the bed” terrifying these kids; it’s the real life monsters created by the Trump Administration that are coming after...
Nina Perez's picture
