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I'm a mom of two small kids. So germs, coughs, colds, viruses and I are all on a first name basis ("Well, hello there, RSV . I'd hoped to miss you this time around!"). And I've developed a routine for dealing with all manner of ailments whether they be child or adult-sized: Break out the...
Ruth Martin's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director & CEO Healthy Child Healthy World I remember the first time I saw someone breastfeed. I was 27 and had just gotten married; one of my best friends had her baby the same year. We all sat around marveling at this amazing little...
The Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform is proud to join the National Women’s Law Center’s I Will NOT Be Denied™ campaign to educate the public about the benefits of the health care law and what is at stake if it is repealed. We are joining the NWLC in releasing their new campaign...
Leni Preston's picture
March 23rd will mark the second anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act. In the time since it first went into effect, this law has improved the lives and health of millions--with many more improvements to come as the law is fully implemented in 2014. At MomsRising, we've heard from...
Kristin's picture
Even as many of us celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), others are trying to turn back the clock. Have they forgotten that with our former health care system, thousands of Americans were going bankrupt, losing their houses and even...
Leni Preston's picture
Two years have passed since the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . In it, provision 4207 stated that employers must provide a place other than a bathroom and reasonable time for women to express their breastmilk during the baby’s first year of life. The Department of Labor’...
On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law. Two years later, we are days away from oral arguments in the case before the U.S. Supreme Court that will decide its fate. These two occasions have prompted us at the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) to pause and take stock of...
Erin Armstrong's picture
My 8 year old son is a leukemia survivor. He was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 3 years old. He underwent 3 years of chemotherapy and has been off treatment since June, 2010. We were fortunate to have had good insurance through my husband’s employer when our son got sick. However, a couple of...
Michelle Cunningham's picture
I just recently applied to a federal health plan option for those diagnosed with a pre-existing condition. I finally have hope that I can maintain my health, which doesn't take much! I simply need to be seen by a specialist annually and know that if something comes up I can have it taken care of...
Jordyn Zimmerman's picture
When my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma last year, we counted our blessings: the support of family and friends, and my health insurance provided by my employer. We thought about the many friends in our lives, and earlier times in our own lives, when we were uninsured and the financial...
