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From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Almost a year ago, The New York Times published an editorial entitled "The War on Women" which began: Republicans in the House of Representatives are mounting an assault on women’s health...
Valerie Young's picture
Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user Lauren Chagaris Are you staring down a pile of dirty laundry right now (Full Disclosure: I am. Basically always)? Laundry, like dishes, can feel like one of those endless chores. No matter how often you do it, you just keep generating more of it. The clothing that...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Undoubtedly you’ve heard about Super Bowl XLVI , but have you heard of CHIP III which is also taking the field this weekend? CHIP is short for the Children’s Health Insurance Program which was reauthorized three years ago this weekend. To mark the occasion, we at Say Ahhh! hosted a Super Blog-Off...
Say Ahhh's picture
There are two stories to tell in Chester Upland School District in Pennsylvania. One is a heroic story worthy of a book or movie deal. Chester Upland, a poor and predominantly minority district, is a long way from Hollywood, but it does have a star in Sara Ferguson.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
You'd think a pesticide based on flowers would be harmless, right? The promoters of synthetic pyrethroids — which mimic the natural pyrethrum extracted from chrysanthemums — certainly want us to think so. But once again, the latest batch of "safer" pesticides are not as harmless as we thought, and...
Kristin Schafer's picture
While I’m at work writing to you, my husband is home taking care of our four-month-old daughter. After my three months of paid leave were up, he started his three months of paid family leave to stay home and care for our second baby like he did with our first. I know, right? We’re both lucky to...
Ruth Martin's picture
There is an old adage in long term care that the best insurance against ever having to go to a nursing home is to have a daughter. In fact, about 66 percent of family caregivers are women. Today, there are 7 million elders in our nation who need long- term services and supports and that number is...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture
In one of his first acts in office three years ago this week, President Obama signed the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) of 2009. Because of CHIPRA, millions of low-income children were able to keep their affordable coverage and an additional 1.2 million children...
Michael Odeh's picture
There is only one picture of my grandmother and me. When I was only a baby, my 56-year-old grandmother, Augusta Francis, died from breast cancer. She was a hard-working mother of five and she and my grandfather, Henry Francis, put three of their children through college. He was a farmer and she was...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Almost two years ago, I wrote my first blog post . As soon as it went live, I thought, I have quite possibly just ruined my entire life. This was about a year after I went home sick from my job and then never went back. The whole experience still felt painfully raw. I was filled with shame for...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
