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CHIP and Medicaid have been a stable source of health care coverage during
uncertain times. With a weak economic recovery that has been slow to add new
jobs with access to employer-based insurance, Medicaid and CHIP continue to
be key sources of coverage for children. Thanks to CHIP and Medicaid, today


more than 200,000 Utah children can get the checkups and preventive care
they need to stay healthy and see the doctor when they get sick or injured.
And since 2009, the number of uninsured children in America decreased by 1.2

In my home state of Utah, only 76.1 percent of children eligible for
Medicaid and CHIP currently are enrolled in the programs - more than 8
percent below the national average.  Although health coverage is currently
available to children in families with incomes up to about $45,000 per year
in nearly every state, an estimated five million uninsured children in the
U.S. are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP but not enrolled.  Much more work
remains to ensure that every child has adequate health coverage in Utah and
throughout the country.

One way is through U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen
Sebelius's "Connecting Kids to Coverage" Challenge.  The Challenge includes
56 organizations which have committed to enrolling children eligible for
CHIP and Medicaid health services but not currently enrolled in either
program.  Since Secretary Sebelius announced the Challenge, the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have built an unprecedented coalition of
partners, ranging from state governors to national advocacy organizations,
who have stepped up to the challenge to enroll kids and educate families.
These organizations include children's advocates, such as Voices for
America's Children and the Children NOW.

Kids need health coverage 365 days a year. We are encouraged by the progress
that has been made but recognize that there is still more to do. Those of us
in the children's advocacy community must re-commit toward ensuring every
child is enrolled in health coverage.  Together, we can continue to reduce
the number of children who remain uninsured in Utah and nationwide.  Please
join> the "Connecting Kids to Coverage" challenge

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