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Statistics from The White House: If the Republican’s repealed the ACA Here are some of the statistics about what WOULD have happened if Congressional Republicans had succeeded in repealing the Affordable Care Act: 2.5 Million More Uninsured Young Adults. 2.5 million young adults have been able to...
What will the big stories be for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2012? Access, affordability and quality win the day. The ACA year opens with a scintillating GOP primary and election year intrigue; and the Supreme Court hears arguments on the “individual responsibility” requirement and the...
MomsRising has been invited to the White House tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th at 9AM PST/12PM EST to discuss overall priorities for families in 2012, including the future of unemployment insurance. Moms and dads know first hand what families need. That’s why we need you to join our meeting online...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Have you been following CT Working Moms blogger Dena Fleno's 12 Days of Toxins posts? Dena believes that understanding what toxins may be lurking in products we use on ourselves and our families and what alternatives are out there either in the store or in your kitchen cabinet are important for...
Michelle Noehren's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World www . healthychild . org Think the flame retardant Tris is a thing of the past? Think again. Last week the Washington Toxics Coalition and Safer States released a study that found 80% of new baby and children’s products...
On this 83rd birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., MomsRising wants to thank all of our members and partners who have taken action to protect and support families struggling to find jobs. Thanks to voices like yours, 2 million families across America were able to keep food on the table after the...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Learn a Toxin a Day to Keep the Doctor Away Blog Written By Dena Fleno at CT Working Moms Understanding what toxins may be lurking in products we use on ourselves and our families and what alternatives are out there either in the store or in your kitchen cabinet are important for Working Moms to...
Michelle Noehren's picture
You have a tremendous opportunity to help shape what the President addresses in the State of the Union and to offer your thoughts on what our country's priorities should be in 2012. *Click here now to share what you'd like the President to cover in the State of the Union and what you think our...
Kristin's picture
In November Dr. Ken Murray published a blog on Zocalo Public Square called “How Doctors Die.” It’s been reverberating through the Web ever since, prompting a continuous stream of comments and inspiring others to offer their own essays and input. What struck a chord was the assertion that doctors...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
When parents engage with their children on the important matters Dr. King spoke out for, it sticks. Here are 5 simple steps any family can take to get started realizing The Dream.
Homa Tavangar's picture
