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For years I would wake up at 5:30 in the morning every Black Friday, leaving the kids with my mother-in-law, and get to the mall by 6:15 am. Every year, I would return six or seven hours later, loaded down with presents, and my mother-in-law would say, “There you are! I took care of your kids while...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Can You Call Congress Today to #ExtendUI!? Time is short. Unless Congress acts now to renew federal unemployment insurance, nearly 2 million people will be cut off in the month of January alone. Millions more would have this critical lifeline cut off in the near future – over 6 million would lose...
Monifa Bandele's picture
When my daughter was in kindergarten, she would inspect her friends' strawberries at lunchtime. “No no, you don’t want to eat that,” she would solemnly inform them. “It’s not organic. It might have yucky chemicals on it.” Yucky chemicals indeed. Studies continue to pile up showing how pesticides on...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Focus Group Results on Low-Income Parents’ Aspirations for Themselves and Their Children As America struggles to regain its economic footing, the nation’s most vulnerable families -- parents of young children who live at 200% of poverty or less -- express strong feelings of frustration and...
Anne Mosle's picture
American mothers are hard-hit by the tough economy, with 42 percent more women than men living in poverty and single moms especially vulnerable. Yet women work valiantly to sustain families, and remain thankful that they can manage at all. In a new study on American families released today, the...
Leslie Bennetts's picture
Snow, sparkles, winter light, and... voting? Wait a minute. What does voting have to do with the holidays?! This holiday season at MomsRising we're announcing the launch of.... drum roll please.... ...MomsVote 2012! And we need your support, your help, your good wishes, and all of your holiday...
Kristin's picture
Wrapping up your holiday shopping? It's time to start wrapping and sending out those gifts! Try these top five green (and easy!) shipping tips: Green shipping options: When you’re shopping online, pay close attention to your shipping options. Many companies now give you the option to ship goods...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
It’s not hard to understand why the recent announcement that 2.5 million young adults have gained coverage through the Affordable Care Act is a big deal (this large gain is due to a provision in the law that went into effect on September 23, 2010 and allows adult children without access to job-...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Guess what? Right now state legislators are meeting in Boston to determine their legislative priorities for the New Year. That makes right now the perfect time to send your state legislators a quick note urging them to resolve to pass the Mass paid sick days bill in 2012! http://action.momsrising...
Ruth Martin's picture
Something really amazing has been happening. Amidst the bickering in Washington D.C., some voices are rising above the din. And guess what? They're ours!! MomsRising members from around the country have been raising our voices, sharing our personal stories, sending in messages to leaders, and.....
Kristin's picture
