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A few weeks ago, I wrote about our Thanks, Obamacare campaign and why exactly we are saying Thanks, Obamacare! Today, I am writing to tell you that we launched an exciting new feature on our website, the Game of Obamacare! As you spin the wheel to advance through life, you’ll be asked to make...
Serena Woods's picture
As I pecked away at my laptop on a 6:30am flight to Atlanta, I took a moment to reflect on the three tasks I just completed long before I landed to start my day job. First, I reviewed the budget projections for Lafayette Elementary School’s 2nd grade class to assess if we were on track with revenue...
Jackie Norris's picture
With the state’s unemployment rate hovering above 11 percent, impending state budget triggers that are inciting rallies across the state, and 52% growth in health insurance premiums for California families over nearly the past decade, it's hard to find truly good news...but here's some: at a time...
Michael Odeh's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World The Environmental Protection Agency is cleaning house. Last week, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson released hundreds of chemical studies , which were formerly kept secret from the public as confidential...
I am ready to pluck that juice box out of my kid’s sticky little hands, no matter how big the juice-splosion. It’s not about the sugar this time – oh, no – it's because of the arsenic! A Consumer Reports study just informed me that apple and grape juice constitute a significant source of dietary...
Sarah Francis's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ So reads a very small headline in the December 7th Washington Post . The brief item states that a 38-year-old Texan mother of two was “unable to qualify for food stamps for months." She...
Valerie Young's picture
The New York Times ran a front-page story today about the history of sterilization abuse in the United States, particularly the aggressive program in North Carolina under which some 7,600 people were sterilized – often as teens or young adults and without their knowledge. North Carolina is hardly...
Rachel Roth's picture
Para este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . If there is something I pride myself on it is my work ethic. The importance of hard work is something that was instilled in me by my parents who sometimes worked multiple jobs each to feed our family of six. In college, I, too, worked three jobs to...
Elisa Batista's picture
Toy shopping is stressful enough without adding toxic chemicals to the mix! Avoid toxic traps with these top 5 tips for non-toxic toy shopping. 1) Be prepared: Look up toys on and choose toys from their “No detected chemicals of concern” list and “Low detected chemicals of concern...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Welcome to the #HERVotes Blog Carnival, this time focused on the need to extend unemployment insurance. Why? One reason is that far too many children in our nation ( nearly 1 in 4 ) live in families who are struggling to put food on the table because of poverty. And for them, this holiday season...
Kristin's picture
