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by Amanda Lo The Woodrow Wilson Center and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) brought together a panel of four male leaders to discuss the possible roles men can play in combating gender-based violence. The event, Male Leaders Speak: Critical Strategies for Combatting Gender...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
Since when is 14,000 no different than 5,000? When the U.S. Treasury Department estimates the affordability of a family's health insurance. If it goes uncorrected, their fuzzy math may deny affordable health coverage to 270,000 Californians--122,000 of whom are children. While premiums continue to...
Kristen Golden Testa's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Kelly Coyle DiNorcia is the author of this post. Her bio is here with another piece she wrote several weeks ago. In the car the other day, I was listening to NPR. Brian Lehrer was...
Valerie Young's picture
Do you enjoy the luxury of a manicure or pedicure, but are concerned about the safety of nail polishes? Here’s your Tuesday Tip: When it comes to safer nail polishes, including base and top coats, avoid the chemical ingredients formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate, aka the “Toxic Trio.” You...
Catherine Porter's picture
Why do some people treat Obamacare like it’s a dirty word? It means more kids covered by health insurance, better access for women to health care and Congress having the same health care as the rest of us. That deserves a big thank you, and we’re out to prove it. At The Colorado Consumer Health...
Serena Woods's picture
I’m a California mom, and I’m deeply concerned about pesticides. As part of my job with Pesticide Action Network, I’ve learned more than anyone should ever know about pesticides in my body and on the food I feed my kids . And as I've worked for stronger rules to protect children from pesticides,...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Once a year or so, a study or trend piece comes out about why women are bad to work for. Like Good Morning America’s “ Bad Female Boss? She May Have Queen Bee Syndrome. ” Or The Daily Mail’s “ Men are the best bosses: Women at the top are just too moody (and it’s women themselves who say so). ” Or...
Joan C. Williams's picture
By Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World I’m so inspired by last week’s Grist profile on Mari Rose Taruc , an environmental activist and a mother of two asthmatic kids who saw the connection between pesticides and health first hand when she...
What is a California election without some good old-fashioned scapegoating? We Californians are innovators in so many ways: home to the first personal computer, the nation’s first recycling program and ground zero for the Americans with Disabilities Act. But we also have this nasty history of...
Elisa Batista's picture
On Wednesday a new poll [PDF] was released that shows that people who are most likely to need paid family leave are least likely to be aware of programs that provide it. Specifically, California registered voters were surveyed to assess their awareness of the state’s groundbreaking Paid Family...
Nanette Fondas's picture
