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Women are edging close to an income cliff. Here’s why. There’s a reason why women gravitate to teaching and government administrative jobs: family-friendly hours, a clear career path and pay bands, which are supposed to minimize pay discrimination. But as the economy stumbles towards recovery,...
I don’t have to look very far to find caregivers who are giving so much to others that they’re beginning to feel as though they have nothing left for themselves: A colleague of mine appears overwhelmed form working two jobs. A teacher is charged with managing a classroom full of rowdy kids all day...
Angela Sasseville's picture
Every few years, we get a recycling of old explanations for women’s underrepresentation in traditionally male fields, and these inevitably circle around babies and biology. Either women “just want to have kids,” so cannot hold down serious jobs, or women are wired to be less capable in certain...
Robert Drago's picture
If the former DC schools Chancellor, Michelle Rhee intends to reform education, the last people she would be aligning herself with would be governors Scott Walker and Tom Corbett, right? Yet that is exactly who she will be speaking along side at The American Federation for Children Annual Policy...
As we celebrate Mother's Day today, we pay tribute to our extraordinary mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and sisters who are a beacon of strength in our families, our communities, and our nation, particularly in these difficult economic times. And that means we must pledge, now more than ever, to...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
In a picture newly entered into my cell phone, my daughter--who's taken to wearing t-shirts proudly proclaiming herself to be a ninja--stands brightly smiling beside a green sign with "History's Surprising Sisterhood of Spies" written across the top in bold type. On the last stop of a multi-day...
Kristin's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ As we limp along in what passes for an economic "recovery", the numbers show that the barely discernible uptick in employment is benefiting only half the workforce. Men's employment has...
Valerie Young's picture
I just had to share this excellent column from my colleague Mary Anne Hitt, the director of the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign and a mom. Happy Mother's Day! Mother's Day Wish This Sunday, I will be celebrating my second Mother's Day. My daughter Hazel (pictured at the left testifying with me...
In time for Mother's Day, the Institute for Women's Policy Research, a leading think tank in the U.S. focusing primarily on domestic women’s issues, released a compilation of recent IWPR research findings that illustrate the current status of women, especially mothers, in the U.S. When IWPR posted...
Jennifer Clark's picture
Americans value moms, but US policies don’t – especially when it comes to paid maternity and family leave. Check out this oped on the Huffington Post:
Janet Walsh's picture
