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Listen as a podcast You wouldn't know it from a visit to the Hallmark card store, but the origin of Mother's Day in the U.S. has feminist anti-war roots. The earliest celebrations honoring mothers trace back to ancient times and were primarily spiritual in nature. They centered around goddesses and...
Carla Goldstein's picture
I have been writing a lot about air quality as part of my work with Moms Clean Air Force , an initiative by the Environmental Defense Fund. While I have always been passionate about preserving our environment for my children and future generations, I have also learned a lot on the job. For one, I...
Elisa Batista's picture
This week is National Women's Health Week, a time to talk about and promote women's health. This year, we can truly be thankful for a health system that provides better, more affordable care to all Americans -- especially the women that spend so much of their time caring for the health and well...
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's picture
Cross-Posted from The Hot Mommas Project Blog A few weeks ago I spoke on a panel at the Feminist Majority’s Women, Power & Money Summit held in partnership with the YWCA. My job was to represent the "business side" of things. Aside from selling Amway when I was 11, or picking Baby Bell stocks...
Kathy Korman Frey's picture
May is National Foster Care Awareness month, a time when our country and Congress need to pay attention to the plight of the more than 424,000 children living in foster care. But we need to do more than be aware about this issue, we need to act. Recently the Every Child Deserves a Family Act was...
For political reasons, it seems to me, some high profile politicians have decided to make public school teachers the scapegoat for a bad economy (caused by Wall Street tycoons that got to keep their bonus billions for causing a global financial meltdown, by the way).
Lily Eskelsen's picture
What do you get when you mix former D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett? You get bad policies for kids and bad policies for our schools. What if you add a sprinkle of ultra-conservative, anti-public education billionaires for good...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ For the 12th year in a row, international non-profit Save the Children ranks the well-being of mothers and children in over 160 countries around the world. With Mother's Day in the U.S...
Valerie Young's picture
Ever since my seven-year-old son was a baby he was a snorer. Every time my father visited, he would joke, “¡Tienes una sinfonía!” You have a symphony! At first my husband and I laughed off the snoring as a quirk of our sweet, smart, and otherwise healthy boy. But it became an issue when teachers...
Elisa Batista's picture
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families Mother’s Day. It’s a day when we shower the mothers in our lives with well-deserved compliments and gifts that show our appreciation. The heartfelt thanks, expressed in cards, flowers and chocolates...
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture
