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Get organized. Eat healthier. Magically make time to relax. The list list goes on. It's January, and a lot of us are taking stock of promises that we made to ourselves in the form of New Year's resolutions. Toys "R" Us knows something about promises: They made one in 2008 to take toxic chemicals...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
A family photo I dug up from 35 years ago reminded me of my parents' early friendships as immigrants to America and their efforts to bring diverse people together.
Homa Tavangar's picture
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Whenever the federal government or state legislature proposes paid family leave for workers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce immediately decries it as a "job killer." As Ruth Milkman, a sociologist professor who helped pass paid family leave in California joked, "If you were to...
Elisa Batista's picture
Save lives, cut the deficit, and give people the freedom to help sick children. How could anyone be against that? And yet, efforts are afoot in Congress to repeal the new health care reform law known as the Affordable Care Act before it's even fully implemented as planned over the next three years...
Kristin's picture
There is a connection between Dr. King and Christina. But hate is not it. Their death by hate and violence is not their common denominator. They are connected by the love that surrounded their lives. Love is their power.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
This article originally appeared on New Deal 2.0 . Sunday's New York Times reported that accounting firms lead corporate America in offering workplace flexibility. Employees can reduce their hours, take the summer off, take off a few years and then return to their prior jobs... whatever they need...
Joan C. Williams's picture
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On Wednesday, I attended the annual California Working Families Policy Summit, which drew 750 people, including legislators, non-profit groups and policy wonks. On our minds: what to do about California’s $26 billion shortfall as well as proposed budget cuts that will hurt...
Elisa Batista's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ One factor limiting women's economic security is the approach to part-time work in the US. It has the reputation of being poorly paid (true), mostly done by students, (false), and performed...
Valerie Young's picture
Last night was the memorial for nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green and the other victims of the January 8th tragedy, which killed six and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life. I'm still stunned with sadness by the horrible events of last Saturday. As the mother of two children, one...
Kristin's picture
I'm only human despite being a self-proclaimed work life pundit. Fess-up time. My life has been less about the work life merge, and more about life and survival lately.
