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Okay, time to come clean. When I was filming Dr. Michael Kimmel recently about men and housework, what he said is basically what my wife has been saying for years about me and housework. Guess I'm not alone in this. (Deb, I promise to do better.) Watch this clip and be ready to either laugh or sob...
Do you have friends or co-workers who use women's handbags, buy children's toys, car seats, or even have a pet or two? Well, yeah, that covers just about everyone we know! None of us want these products to expose us to toxic chemicals that are associated with health problems, but it turns out some...
Ariana Kelly's picture
By Jocelyn Guyer Co-Executive Director Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute In 2008, the number of uninsured children in the United States hit the lowest level in two decades. If Congress weren't in the middle of a fierce debate on health reform, there...
Say Ahhh's picture
Searching for a new car? Back to school clothes shopping with the kids? Don’t miss out on the new Healthy Stuff database just because you’re on the go!
Claire Moshenberg's picture
“Are you a stay-at-home mom?” It’s a common question when I’m at the local playground with my two kids, yet I’m finding my answer to be more uncommon than I ever expected.
In a moment of maternal defeat, I decided that my son's future wife will just have to deal with his attachment to pacifiers. Yes, we all have our early challenges. And some, like affordable quality preschool and childcare, are bigger than others. So, it's music to my ears that Congress just introduced the new Early Learning Challenge Fund to Address some key early learning challenges.
Sarah Francis's picture
As an advocate, I want to see the millions of vulnerable children realize their potential. As a mom, I want my son and daughter to grow up with other kids who share their love of learning. By raising the quality of our nation’s early childhood education programs and increasing access to them, we can fundamentally change not only our children’s future, but our nation’s as well.
As you all know, I and other members on the MomsRising team have been fervently working to pass a bill in California that would help eliminate the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic baby and toddler products like bottles and sippy cups. I thought I would let you know how the vote went on...
Elisa Batista's picture
As nails continue to be hammered into the public option coffin, I am baffled at the professed public’s willingness to trust the health insurance industry. After all, this is the group that brought us gender-rating. Gender rating is a practice where insurance companies charge women more than men for...
Welcome to our HealthCare Blog Carnival! We've rounded up some of the most interesting, useful stories and analysis on healthcare reform, focusing on posts that speak to the impact of healthcare on families. Browse through and enjoy. We've got something for everyone, from personal stories to...
Anita's picture
