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Next Wednesday night, grab a cookie (ok, or healthy snack) and join MomsRising members across the nation on the phone or via the web for a cozy kitchen table chat about health reform and what it means for women and kids. We'll have experts on the line who can answer your questions and you'll have...
Here is some good news all eco-conscientious parents can bask in. Seven major electronics companies, including Apple and Sony-Ericsson, are actively eliminating toxic brominated flame retardants (BFR) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from their products. Two non-profit environmental organizations,...
Elisa Batista's picture
As an uncoordinated person, the word “balance” makes me uneasy -- I envision standing on one foot and falling over. This week, The Huffington Post says that if we want more happiness we should stop striving for balance and seek something else instead: "Strong moments” -- those great surges of...
Sharon Meers's picture
If your doctor is blase' about toxic chemicals, give him a copy of this report.
Myself and about 20 other Moms Rising members and kids packed the room with supporters of the bill. Our kid’s fell asleep in the aisles listening to all the suits talk, they snacked away through lovely speeches in support of the bill from Rep Kay Khan and Ellen Story, and even made a couple security guards snicker!
By Karen Pesapane, National Partnership (cross posted at the National Partnership's blog to support paid sick days ) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keeps updating its guidelines to help child care and early childhood programs - - and all of us - - respond to influenza during the...
This is it! Today is the big day - there is a hearing in the Massachusetts State Legislature to talk about the Paid Sick Days bill. YEAH! And the MomsRising community is a big part of the action - we're delivering written copies of the stories moms have sent us about their experiences with paid...
Our food supply could be safer than it is. Many of the hazards can be prevented. As an attorney, an activist and – most importantly – the mother of three, I know the most important thing the Senate can do right now is update the laws that protect the public from dangers on our dinner plates...
I heard the wonderful Dr. Barbara Ferrer speak on Boston’s NPR station about the recent study conducted after this spring’s influenza/H1N1 outbreak. She was asked to comment on the fact that H1N1 had disproportionately affected blacks and Latinos in the Boston metro area and why this may be. Three-...
People often ask me how I manage to eat, given what I do for a living. It’s true—by all rights, I should be starving. As the lead author of the new report just released from Center for Science in the Public Interest , The Ten Riskiest Foods Regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , today...
