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If you've turned on the TV this week, you may have noticed that opponents of health reform have stepped up their efforts to scare families into opposing health reform. Why the frenzied pitch? Because after almost a year of debate, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on its health...
Donna's picture
The Mommy Wars have taken a perilous and troubling new direction: questioning the value of breastfeeding. The American Pediatric Association, however says plainly , "Human milk is uniquely superior for infant feeding." While the AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months and...
Just when you thought the BPA battle couldn’t get any more frustrating… Consumer Reports just published a study where they found BPA in food from nearly all cans tested – including those marked “BPA-Free.” Grrrrr. According to the release: “Consumer Reports' latest tests of canned foods, including...
Let me be candid: health care reform has struck a personal chord. On October 4th, my aunt Margarita died of pneumonia and cancer. After receiving that dreaded call from my sister saying Margarita only had hours to live, I caught the first flight to Rhode Island. On the flight, I could not help but...
Marielena Hincapie's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog Karen Kornbluh , long a hero of mine, has written an article for the current issue of Ms. Magazine . She notes the 50% workforce participation rate for women, and hails this moment as a critical opportunity to update our infrastructure, i.e. employment benefits,...
Valerie Young's picture
As a blogger on Moms Rising , I feel it is important to raise awareness about issues of importance to women and mothers and to ensure that our voices are heard. Although this one doesn't affect me specifically as a Canadian, I know many of my readers are Americans. Please watch this video and raise...
Chemical security is probably not something you think about every day, nor should it be! As parents, we have enough to worry about. That’s why we need government and businesses to do their jobs to minimize the risks our families face from toxic chemicals. Did you know that this summer in North...
Ariana Kelly's picture
Our members did it again! After receiving messages from MomsRising members, Speaker of the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi, is now also wearing the MomsRising pacifier pin as she joins us in not being pacified until Congress delivers comprehensive and affordable coverage for children and families. (See...
Anita's picture
California is hardly the only state that has identified sweetened sodas as a major contributing factor to the growing obesity epidemic among children. Now, as the state considers legislation that would tax sweetened sodas, the American Academy of Family Physicians has weighed in a most surprising...
A few years ago m y life was much like the lives of many other mothers across the United States . M ost of my waking hours were consumed with my job and taking care of my family. There were times when my daughter Rylee, now 12 years old, would spend the evening i n a sleeping bag near my desk at...
