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call your senators to demand impeachment inquiry
We're back with this week's list of top actions, kicking off with a petition to urge our representatives to hold leaders accountable and pursue a thorough impeachment inquiry. It's critical we all speak up to defend our democracy and our institutions, so please be sure to sign and share with...
Karen Showalter's picture
Recently, the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) kicked off its Power Up Conference , a convening of more than 100 advocates from across the nation to help fuel the reproductive justice movement for Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls. Advocates will share...
Sung Yeon Choimorrow's picture
On the #RADIO show this week we cover the fight for affordable, accessible, high quality childcare and how it impacts YOU. We discuss what’s going on with elections these days. And we’ll get an inside POV on a new report on Women Driving Change: A Pathway to a Better Mississippi. We’ll also get the...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Take Action
The 2020 election is more than a year away, but families across the country are telling us that they can’t wait to vote! One of the voting challenges we hear most often is that it can be hard to wait in long polling place lines with children. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to announce the...
Dorie Klein's picture
This week marks the 43rd anniversary of the enactment of the Hyde Amendment. This harmful amendment restricts government funds from being used to cover abortion—except in extremely limited circumstances—essentially ensuring that low-income women (and people of all gender identities) can’t access the same rights to safe, legal abortion as the rest of the population. Urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor the EACH Woman Act which would repeal the Hyde Amendment!
Nadia's picture
Every day, in communities across America, people with low wages face difficult tradeoffs when trying to cover the necessary expenses of daily life. These tradeoffs include balancing the costs of housing, health care, child care and transportation as well as the ongoing struggle to afford healthy food. In some neighborhoods, there may be very few or no places to buy healthy food, adding time and transit expenses to the price of groceries. That’s why more than 45 states offer incentive programs to help Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants fill their pantries with more fruits and vegetables.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
More than one million North Carolina students rely on free or reduced-price meals during the school day to fill their bellies. Liz Beck Costello’s children are two of those students; her experience receiving food assistance has compelled her to speak out and become a champion for reducing the...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
Happy September! We’re feeling the MOMentum as we head into the last quarter of the year-- thanks to the support of so many generous donors like you, our MomsVote work is taking off! And not a moment too soon: 2020 is almost here and we’re ready to take action, talk with friends and neighbors, and register every eligible voter we can. Are you with us? Read on!
Anita's picture
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. Read on for the latest on Congress's work to avoid a shutdown, immigration and border fights, new poverty and health insurance data, anti-SNAP and Medicaid proposals, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Tell Congress to proceed with a thorough and fair impeachment inquiry!
This. This is not more of the same Trump twitter chaos. It’s tempting to tune out the regular barrage of shocking news coming from the White House these days. However, and this is a big however, this week’s revelations are something entirely different—and they have enormous gravity because they...
Felicia Burnett's picture
