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The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for the latest on Congress's spending work, disaster aid on the horizon, a victory for LGBTQ Americans, attacks on immigrants, the poor, and workers, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Summer is coming and that marks the end of the school year for our kiddos. Summer should be a time to relax, play in the sunshine, and enjoy time with friends and family. But sadly for millions of children, summertime marks the beginning of a three-month episode of hunger. But together, with the...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Take Action!
Join us to urge the California state Legislature to support SB 464, the Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act to address alarming racial disparities in maternal health in our state!
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
As a teenager, many of Barbara Johns’ wildest dreams were about a surprising subject: a new school. “My imagination would run rampant—and I would dream that some mighty man of great wealth built us a new school building or that our parents got together and surprised us with this grand new building...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Not about abortion
On the #BreakingThrough radio show this week we cover the attack on women’s bodily autonomy and what you can do to protect your rights. We talk about what’s happening in Washington DC that’s hopeful and not-so-hopeful, including conversations around impeachment. We’ll also discuss the good news...
Amber Dorsey's picture
1 out of every 5 children in North Carolina struggles with hunger. Schools are key to providing healthy free or reduced price breakfast and lunch to these children; for some students, school meals are the only nutritious meals they will eat that day. One child even shared with his teacher how much...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Not about abortion
Happy Friday. This has been a difficult week. Alabama's Abortion Ban is an attack on America's moms, and if it takes effect, a terrible blow to families. We are proud to work with you to fight for as long as we must to secure every woman’s rights and freedoms. Please scroll down for this week's...
Karen Showalter's picture
Nat'l Foster Care Month
Since 2004, The Mockingbird Society has worked to ensure that youth who must enter the foster care system are placed with foster parents who are well resourced and supported in a constellation known as MOCKINGBIRD FAMILY™ . MOCKINGBIRD FAMILY™ is an empowerment-based approach to foster care,...
Fernando Clara's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In a medical clinic. A health professional in greens scrubs with short black hair peers inside the mouth of a patient with shoulder length black hair.]
At the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, we believe in the right to health . Health is a human right and as the primary means of accessing and financing care in the U.S., health coverage must be available to all persons residing in the country, regardless of their race, ethnicity...
Kathy Chin's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Graphic image showing how walkable, bike-able, transit-oriented communities lead to better health outcomes.]
Latino families face big health inequities, but policies and practices are emerging to create more affordable housing, reliable public transit, and better access to culturally relevant green spaces to improve health equity.
Rosalie Aguilar's picture
