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Healthy kids do better in schools. Students who are healthy are better able to focus on what’s being taught in class and they’re less likely to be absent due to illness. Instructional time is vital to student success and schools can do a lot to make sure students are in class, healthy, and ready to...
Kayla Jackson's picture
A few weeks ago, President Obama announced that 8 million people have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) exchanges; 28 percent (about 2.2 million) were between ages 18 and 34. But also important for young adults is the opportunity to sign up for Medicaid, which...
Olivia Golden's picture
As we honor moms, we should recognize the important role that many of them play in keeping their families healthy — including getting them the health coverage that they need. More than 8 million people enrolled in private health coverage during the first open enrollment season for health reform’s...
Shelby Gonzales's picture
Your family means everything to you. You want your children to lead happy, healthy lives. When you see your child lashing out at his peers, his teachers, even you, what do you do? When you see your child suffering from a sore throat and a possible ear infection, what do you do? Does what you do to...
George L. Askew's picture
Spring is the time we think of children and their families being outside without their coats and seeing the bird’s nest if you stand on your tippy toes. As spring came this year, the open enrollment period ended for the private insurance created by the Affordable Care Act. The good news is that...
Mary Andrus's picture
We speak to many people everyday who call Gateway to Care because they are looking for healthcare. The phone call may start with the parent calling for assistance in locating healthcare options, but it will end with the whole family having the steps and tools they need for health coverage. Being...
Rosalinda Mosqueda's picture
As a parent of a 13-month-old, my son is already the embodiment of what I hope for most; William is happiness and light personified. I am constantly amazed at how quickly he changes in appearance and ability. I know his father and I will support him as he endeavors to reach milestones throughout...
Katherine Beckmann's picture
This month we celebrate Mother’s Day. And here at Families USA, we can think of no better way to honor moms everywhere than by making sure moms, their children, and their families have access to affordable health coverage. This year, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health coverage is...
Dee Mahan's picture
In our ongoing conversation about health and healthcare, we often forget to mention dental health. Did you know tooth decay is the number one chronic disease of children? According to the Center for Disease Control, tooth decay affects more than one-fourth of U.S. children aged 2 to 5 years and...
Sue Schmitz's picture
Blog Carnival!
Having health coverage opens the door to better access to health care and also greater financial security for the family. Check out our blog carnival all about it!
Cindy Mann's picture
