Ingram Bell is a 45 year old mom of 3. Ingram is currently the program Manager for Gate City Coalition in Greensboro, NC. She is an alum of Guilford College where she majored in Community Justice Peace and Conflict Studies. Ingram is a community and state organizer with gun violence prevention. Ingram is a survivor of Gun violence and promises to fight this fight and bring awareness as long as she can.
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August 4, 2022
I am the program manager of the Gate City Coalition, which is the Greensboro, NC branch of Cure Violence . Cure Violence works to end gun violence through a community violence interruption model. I was brought into this work when I was shot in the head in 2011. I do not consider myself to be a victim; I am a survivor of gun violence. I am driven to do this work because of the injuries I sustained, as well as by the loss of family members. Two big losses really pushed me into this work. One was a fifteen-year old boy who was a close friend of my son’s – he was like a nephew to me. The second...
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