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supermom cartoon with megaphone
Greetings! Today we remember everyone affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook. We will never give up the fight to protect our communities from gun violence. We're also celebrating two wins in Congress, directly fueled by your incredibly parent power. First: the U.S. Congress approved a Farm Bill that...
Karen Showalter's picture
Voices for Healthy Kids
Nearly 1.9 million residents of New York City — almost a quarter of the city’s population — live in lower-income communities with limited access to healthy food retail, and data show they are at risk of poor nutrition and rising rates of heart disease. The American Heart Association in New York City, with support from a grant from Voices for Healthy Kids, aims to help residents address these issues by advocating for city funding that will directly impact this outcome.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
Yesterday, The Progressive Caucus of the New York City Council rallied in support of Jazmine Headley, the Brooklyn mom whose child was violently taken away from her at a Brooklyn HRA office. If you’re not familiar with the situation, the young mom had been waiting for hours at the HRA office, and...
Diana Limongi's picture
On Thursday Congress passed a stopgap funding measure to keep parts of the federal government open until December 21, when Congress must pass another spending measure or again face a government shutdown. President Trump has said that he will veto any bill that doesn’t give him the $5 billion he has...
Lindsay Koshgarian's picture
Power Up!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Cardboard box with the top open and a MomsRising logo on the side.]
Recently, MomsRising’s CEO/Executive Director, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner asked MomsRising staff members to share their favorite wins and innovations of the year. It turned out to be a very long list. To put it simply, the MomsRising community — which includes you! — CRUSHED it in 2018! The energy and...
Anita's picture
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for the latest on the stopgap spending bill, the proposed Public Charge rule, farm bill negotiations, TANF, criminal justice reform, and the new Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Director.
Lecia Imbery's picture
The way New York City’s social service agencies, police and courts treated Jazmine Headley was a horror show – but sadly, not a surprise. Too many young mothers face mistreatment and abuse from the institutions charged with helping them. We need accountability and reforms now. Like so many mothers...
Monifa Bandele's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Purple background with the title "Black Maternal Health Conference and Training Institute" with a picture of a Black mother kissing an infant's head.]
This past weekend, birth workers convened in Atlanta for the first Black Maternal Health Conference and Training Institute . The Institute brought together doulas, midwives, nurses, doctors, public health advocates, researchers and mothers with a singular commitment to address a national crisis:...
Quick Signature!
I have amazing and urgent news for you! We could get Congress to pass an important new law to support breastfeeding moms before the end of this year, but we have less than two weeks to get it done! The clock is ticking! Join me right now in urging Congress to stand up for breastfeeding moms and...
Tina Sherman's picture
Although the concept has been around for some time, social emotional learning (SEL) has become the new buzzword in education circles, joining the ranks of other child and youth-centered keywords including trauma-informed teaching, restorative justice, and positive behavior intervention schools...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
