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Well, it's about time. The invisible problem of pesticide drift is on the policy radar in ways it's never been before — with changes in the wings that could protect kids and communities in very real ways. From California to the Midwest to our nation's capital, drift is now a focus of public concern...
Kristin Schafer's picture
In his engrossing new book, The Third Plate, Dan Barber observes that our present food system is disconnected: It operates in silos: vegetables here, animals there, grains somewhere else – each component part separate from the others and unhitched to any kind of culture.
Diana Donlon's picture
People are outraged over the news that the NFL is letting a player off the hook for assaulting his wife. Can you take a second to sign and share this petition?
Nita Chaudhary's picture
Even Republicans like their Affordable Care Act plans! A recent poll by The Commonwealth Fund showed that overall, 78% of Americans who signed up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act are satisfied with their coverage. Even 74% of the Republicans who signed up say they are satisfied with their...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Today marks the five year anniversary since the last time the federal minimum wage was raised. Workers making only $15,080 per year haven't seen a raise in five long years. This is hurting women, families, and our economy. It's time to tell Congress to #RaisetheWage!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Improvement. It’s a subjective word, I guess. Otherwise how does H.B. 4935 get to call itself the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014? The House is set to vote on the bill this week , and although it sounds like a winner, for millions of low-income working families it is exactly the opposite...
Susanna Birdsong's picture
Greens get a bad rap, and it's not fair. Because they're easy to grow, they taste awesome, and they're really good for you, too! I'll admit: getting kids to eat greens can be particularly challenging, as they're something of the epitome of the "vegetable". But drawing them into the process of...
Karen Showalter's picture
Children's sports and sports snacks seem to go hand in hand, but should they? It's a proven fact that healthy children do better in schools . Children's sports play an integral role in keeping children healthy. It fills the gap left by the closing of physical education classes . It gets children...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Collards are a gift. Truly. They are easy to grow, really tasty to eat and they are FULL of nutrients (they have more nutritional value than broccoli and spinach! That's saying a LOT!). IMG_20140723_144854_307.jpg Yet, cooking collards can seem daunting, because in the store the leaves seem large...
Karen Showalter's picture
***UPDATED*** We texted and you responded -- see below for the summer activity wisdom of members like you! School’s out and summer is here! As a kid, that meant sunshine, long days full of fun, and all the perks of summer: BBQs, popsicles, swimming, summer camps, and no homework! As an adult and as...
Lauren Hipp's picture
