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As mothers, we know that children need ongoing access to health insurance, ensuring that children can readily gain needed care when faced with injury or illness. Whether it’s allergy season, soccer season or flu season, children need uninterrupted access to care. Medicaid and the Children’s Health...
Eva Marie Stahl's picture
While March 31 st marked the end of the open enrollment period for purchasing private health insurance through the marketplaces, other avenues to health care coverage remain. Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are critical health insurance programs for children and adults...
Marty Ford's picture
Over 2 million young adults (18-34) now have coverage – many were able to stay on their parent’s plan – and this Mother’s Day we should take the time to thank the ones who helped make this happen. It’s no secret that Mothers, Mamas, and Care Givers everywhere helped ensure their families knew about...
Ambar Calvillo's picture
Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act Marketplace plans may have ended for now, but did you know that kids, teens up to 19, and some adults may still be eligible for coverage? Enrollment in Indiana Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) is...
Caitlin Priest's picture
The big news in Illinois this month is that enrollments into new health care options under the Affordable Care Act from October 1, 2013 – April 15, 2014 topped the half million mark . More than 217,000 people enrolled in the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace and even more – 287,000 enrolled...
Stephani Becker's picture
Healthy kids do better in schools. Students who are healthy are better able to focus on what’s being taught in class and they’re less likely to be absent due to illness. Instructional time is vital to student success and schools can do a lot to make sure students are in class, healthy, and ready to...
Kayla Jackson's picture
A few weeks ago, President Obama announced that 8 million people have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) exchanges; 28 percent (about 2.2 million) were between ages 18 and 34. But also important for young adults is the opportunity to sign up for Medicaid, which...
Olivia Golden's picture
Many American families are having a hard time these days. The cost of housing, child care and other living expenses are rising, and benefits and wages aren’t keeping pace. It’s no wonder that 1.6 million kids are homeless and we are seeing more families and children calling home a place that’s...
Barbara DiPietro's picture
Your family means everything to you. You want your children to lead happy, healthy lives. When you see your child lashing out at his peers, his teachers, even you, what do you do? When you see your child suffering from a sore throat and a possible ear infection, what do you do? Does what you do to...
George L. Askew's picture
Spring is the time we think of children and their families being outside without their coats and seeing the bird’s nest if you stand on your tippy toes. As spring came this year, the open enrollment period ended for the private insurance created by the Affordable Care Act. The good news is that...
Mary Andrus's picture
