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As a school nurse, I remember overhearing a cashier at my local grocery store sharing with a colleague that her child was sick with asthma and spring allergies, but she did not have health insurance for him, so could not take him to a healthcare provider. In my purse was an application for the...
Donna Mazyck's picture
Today the Massachusetts Legislature sent Governor Deval Patrick an important and long-awaited bill to guarantee minimum standards for pregnant women in jail and prison, including strict limits on shackling. Governor Patrick has ten days to sign the bill into law. He has already said he wants to...
Rachel Roth's picture
We know how busy you are, so in appreciation of all you do, we want to share 3 quick gifts from us to you on this special day: Laughter, Inspiration, and Back Up!
Kristin's picture
Whenever she caught one of us gossiping or being petty, my mom used to say, There are three kinds of people in the world: People who talk about other people; people who talk about things; and people who talk about ideas. With those words, she made it crystal clear she expected us to grow up to be...
Roberta Riley's picture
I recently visited my mom for her birthday last week. She always possessed a practical, no-nonsense attitude. Mom is the personification of a hip 80 year-old, but she reminds me often that growing up during the Depression gives her the edge of realism. Her mind is as sharp as a tack, so even at her...
Ronnie Citron-Fink's picture
My Mom has always lived life on her terms. Long before it was trendy, my mom rode her bicycle everywhere, even from Amherst to Boston to board a plane heading to England. In our town and beyond, she became known as the "bike lady." She cut a distinct image with grey hair, knee socks and mid-knee...
But as I reach the middle of my 40's, I realize the sheer joy found in making connections and living in the moment.
Kirstin Larson's picture
This Sunday, as we celebrate Mother’s Day and honor all of the extraordinary women who have cared for us, let’s recommit ourselves to building an economy that gives all moms the opportunity to care for their families.
Tom Perez's picture
My mom always told me no matter how difficult your day, never lose track of the bright side of life. She said life is like a railway track; happiness and sadness are the two parallel rails. Both things can co-exist and one should not lose sight of that perspective. Also from her I learnt if you can...
Tanvi Gautam's picture
As I celebrate Mother’s Day, I think of all the great things my mother passed on to me—life lessons, acts of love and sacrifice, and words of encouragement and wisdom. But there’s something else she passed on to me, which I know she wishes she could take back. Without knowing, my mother passed on...
Su Wang's picture
