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Tax Day can bring a lot of emotions. Ahead of tomorrow, people across the country are in the home stretch of filing taxes. Myself included -- I have date with my computer tonight to turn in my taxes! With the cost of child care exceeding the tuition of colleges in most states, the current tax...
Lauren Hipp's picture
We parents can be such a smug bunch, and the internet only makes it that much easier for us to lob our judgments wherever we see fit: How dare you take your two young children on a treacherous deep-sea voyage!! -from The New York Times . What kind of mother are you to allow your 8-year-old son...
Are you kidding me?!? Some members of the U.S. Senate just used a procedural move to BLOCK a vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act . We will hold them accountable. We need 1,000 contributions by midnight tomorrow night to turbocharge our campaign for equal pay! Join us and pitch in $5 or more right now...
Ruth Martin's picture
We are building momentum! On Monday , the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan bill that will restore federal unemployment insurance benefits to the more than 2 million people that lost these vital benefits since December 28th, when the program expired. But our work isn’t done yet… Now it is up to the U...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Blog Carnival
Today April 8th, 2014 marks the second day of a 48-hour fast by 100 women who have come together in D.C. to urge our elected leaders to vote on an immigration reform bill that is fair and inclusive of women, children and families. The fast in the "Courage Cafe" tent on 4th and Jefferson in D.C . is...
Kristin's picture
I am a 25-year-old UC San Diego graduate and I taking on my second fast for fair immigration reform. I was born in Oakland and have waited all of my life to meet my family from the Philippines. My mother obtained her citizenship before I was born and one of the first things she did was file for...
I am originally from Mexico and studied electronic engineering there until I moved to Grand Rapids in 1991. My family has been living and working there since 1945 when the United States was doing all they could to get workers from Mexico to come to this country to work during the war effort. My...
Confession: I grew up believing that women had mostly achieved equality in the workplace and the world. But when my first child was born, I quickly learned that I was mistaken. My son was absolutely amazing, and he was also born with an immune system deficiency. I had to leave my full-time job...
Kristin's picture
I am proud to support President Barack Obama's executive orders to promote and protect equal pay for women. The first executive order would protect federal employees who share salary information with one another. The second executive order will instruct the Secretary of Labor to create regulations...
Congressman Charles Rangel's picture
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...
