Janine Murphy-Neilson received her BFA in Theatre from Boston University and after several years of working in professional theatre and supplementing her income by working as an assitant teacher and then a teacher in preschools went on to get an MA in Counseling from Marymount University and has worked in the counseling profession since 1995. She started working with individuals, couples, and families at the Women's Center in Vienna. She also worked through the Women Center at the Good Shepherd Housing Foundation in Alexandria providing counseling to families in a grant based program designed to prevent child abuse. She went into private practice, jmntherapy.com and currently sees clients in Fairfax where she focuses on grief, parenting issues, LGBT and couples counseling. She is also the author of her blog Attention Must Be Paid and a regular contributor of counseling related articles to the website Travellivelearn.com. She is a happy wife to her great husband and a proud mother to two delightful teenagers.
Janine Murphy-Neilson, LPC
Janine Murphy-Neilson received her MA in Counseling from Marymount University and has worked in the counseling profession since 1995.
Blog Post List
June 4, 2014
I am very surprised that in this day and age with the vast amount of research on this issue that we are still debating the merits of spanking. Last week on Facebook I saw a post that said something like “I was spanked as a kid and now I have a psychological condition known as respect for others” and oh the number of likes and comments of approval for this foolishness was frightening. Let me tempt you with a great parenting technique. If I told you there was a technique to discipline children that studies have consistently shown was not only ineffective but had the additional benefits of...
May 8, 2014
I have recently started blogging for the great organization MomsRising.org. They have asked us bloggers to write something this week on 'What I Learned From My Mom' in honor of Mother's Day. What a daunting task this is! I'm fortunate in that I have a lot to say on this topic but it is bittersweet because my mother died in 2002. Can it really be twelve years without her? I think of her everyday, miss her everyday and hear her voice coming out of me when I talk to my children. I think of how she would get a real thrill out of being the subject of this article and how she would probably start...
April 25, 2014
There was a recent article in the New York Times called Parental Involvement is Overrated which has caused quite a stir in recent weeks. What this article says to me, and the reaction it seems to have provoked, is that this is another example of the difficulty we Americans seem to have with finding middle ground. We seem to be a country that reacts in very black and white terms sometimes. My favorite example of this is how we go from focusing on indulging ourselves all of November and December but on January 2nd the focus is all on dieting, exercising and cleaning as if we have to do penance...