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This post originally appeared on Arit Essien's blog The Project C On Thursday, February 27, I proudly stood with those who came to the White House to celebrate President Barack Obama’s official announcement of “My Brother’s Keeper.” A lot of people had waited for this announcement for a very long...
Dr. E. Faye Williams's picture
Simon and his sister Elena In 2004 my otherwise robust one-and-a-half-year-old son, Simon, came into contact with a “superbug.” Simon woke early one spring morning struggling to breathe. By early afternoon Simon’s skin was ice-cold. My husband and I brought Simon to the emergency room where...
Everly Macario's picture
Civil rights. The environment. The close of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. These are just a few of the topics that were addressed on the MomsRising blog this past week, and here are some of the posts that we love. Please share these posts on social media with friends and family, and join the...
Connie Ho's picture
One of every three women held prisoner worldwide is in the United States, even though the U.S. has only five percent of the world’s population. This lopsided figure reflects the U.S. tendency to imprison more people, for more time, than peer nations. Add in racial bias and restrictive bail...
Rachel Roth's picture
We hear a lot about how pesticides can undermine children's health. From derailing developing brains to bumping up the risk of childhood cancer, even low levels of exposure can wreak some serious havoc. It turns out dads should be concerned about how pesticides are affecting them too. Science shows...
Kristin Schafer's picture
By Meredith Kormes, Political Strategist, ACLU Missouri legislators have introduced more than a dozen bills intended to interfere with a woman’s access to abortion. Three bills (HB 1307/HB 1313/SB 519) that were recently debated in the Missouri House and Senate would block a woman needing an...
ACLU's picture
With state legislatures working their way through their 2014 sessions, attention in a number of states is focused on the actions states can take to further implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although the name “Obamacare” focuses attention on the President, his administration, and the...
Gene Lewit's picture
When our daughter Alexis was born with multiple health issues and challenges, the doctors told us that we should prepare to say goodbye within a month. But Alexis, now eight years old, proved them wrong with her strength and will to live. She’s a wonder. She’s very social and wants to engage with...
In the buzz about Oscars, Emmys and ESPYs, let's not forget the award categories for individuals who wind up in the ER. A few years back, I won "The Bonehead" award for not just one, but two trips to the ER after cutting my finger, and then my thumb, in a series of misplaced efforts to slice bagels...
Roberta Riley's picture
I like to think I have a lot of influence over my three-year-old daughter’s choices, but it’s hard to compete with the likes of Joe Camel and friendly little M & M smiley faces. Like many parents, I worry that advertising—which has been shown to have a greater influence over youth than peer...
Manel Kappagoda's picture
