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Last November I uploaded my ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy, to the iBooks Store. In addition to the next-gen interactivity within the book, Apple allows authors to update publications, with readers automatically receiving free updates. So I designed a new...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture
Scientists issued yet another wake up call last week, adding more chemicals to the list of those known to harm our children's brains. These neurotoxicants — including the common pesticide chlorpyrifos — are linked to falling IQs, increased risk of ADHD and other developmental disorders. Now here's...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Recently, my friend and colleague Ruth told you about the impact of the Elk River chemical spill on her friends and family in West Virginia. 300,000 West Virginians lost their clean water , so they could not cook, bathe or simply have a drink for days. My heart went out to them. Today, like a bad...
Tracy Kellogg-Brodeur's picture
Parents drive food justice in schools. Their involvement is pivotal in ensuring that children receive access to healthier foods. Knowing this, MomsRising is excited to host this week's #FoodFri chat with the NAACP! Our topic, Food Justice is Racial Justice, will focus on advocating for food justice...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Where do you get water for your family? This week we discussed the many problems of bottled water on our weekly Twitter chat, #EcoTipTue. And boy, where there a LOT. We had special guests from Corporate Accountability International and Food and Water Watch tweeting with us, as well as many of our...
Katy Farber's picture
Today, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick announced plans to issue emergency regulations to put a stop to the shackling of pregnant women in labor. “Regulation is good but here law would be better,” the governor said . Pledging his support, Governor Patrick added, “I urge the Legislature to send...
Rachel Roth's picture
Title IX deserves a gold: While we cheer for Team USA and the amazing girls and women in the Olympic Games, let’s also give a shout out to Title IX, the 1972 law that put sports within reach of girls in a whole new way by requiring gender equity in schools. And make some noise for American Sarah...
Liz Shuler's picture
Rep. Rosa DeLauro represents the Third District of Connecticut and serves as Senior Democrat on the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee. She has been cancer-free for 28 years. In 1986, I received news that no woman wants to hear: I had ovarian cancer...
Rachel Laser's picture
I'm a MomsRising member from San Diego who is a college professor working four part-time jobs that don’t offer health coverage. For more than a year, I spent every moment terrified and ridden with anxiety. Unable to get private coverage because of a pre-existing condition, I worried daily about...
Somer Meade's picture
As you may remember, Smart on Pesticides Maryland has been trying very hard to advocate for pesticide reporting in Maryland and we’ve made some great progress. Recently, a state legislative workgroup determined that there are data gaps in pesticide use – particularly related to where, when and the...
Ruth Berlin's picture
