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It’s amazing how much technology has advanced in just 15 years. Back in the mid-1990s, the internet was new and everyone was still learning how to use it. Flash forward to today, and you might be reading this blog on your phone! While enormous medical and technological advancements have been made...
Ellen Wu's picture
Join us on Saturday, March 2 in NYC for an inspirational gathering with amazing moms, influential bloggers, award-winning filmmakers, and fabulous MomsRising members and staff! (It's free and kids are welcome too!) We'll be talking about Food Power! -- what moms, dads, bloggers, and community...
Karen Showalter's picture
On February 1 4, Lisa P. Jackson stepped down from her post as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. She will go down in history as the first African-American leader of the Environmental Protection Agency, but we will also remember her as a mom. With her own experience of...
Gloria Pan's picture
A new report from Women's Voices for the Earth, Secret Scents: How Hidden Fragrance Allergens Harm Public Health , finds that millions of people are affected by skin allergies caused by chemicals in fragrance. In fact, allergic reactions to fragrance chemicals are common, and have increased...
Cassidy Randall's picture
Last Decemb er, as the Newtown story was unfolding, I called my husband to see if he had heard… and as he as answered the phone, I just started tearing up. I could barely get my words out. Even now, I sometimes find it difficult to talk about it. Was it because there were so many young children?...
Gloria Pan's picture
“Tonight, I propose working with states to make high-quality preschool available to every child in America. Every dollar we invest in high-quality early education can save more than seven dollars later on – by boosting graduation rates, reducing teen pregnancy, even reducing violent crime … studies...
Sarah Weber's picture
As the 20th anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act focuses attention on how unnecessarily hard it is to be both a worker and a mother or other family caregiver, Danelle Buchman writes of her own experience. She was a part-time employee at a organization too small to be covered by FMLA when she...
Valerie Young's picture
This February contains a plethora of important events - almost too many to name. There’s Valentine’s Day, the start of the new Congress, the State of the Union Address and several significant opportunities to look back and honor those who have come before us, including celebrations for American...
Christy Turlington's picture
The USDA has released long-awaited guidelines for foods sold in school vending machines, snack carts and school stores. These guidelines will cover any snack item, side item or beverage sold outside of the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs. We at the Alliance for a Healthier...
Kate Uslan's picture
This Valentine's Day, as we celebrate our loved ones with chocolates, flowers, and sometimes even pink cards with massive glitter, I can't help but also think of the families who are missing people due to gun violence--and about the importance of making our communities safer for everyone. To be...
Kristin's picture
