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I am the proud mother of 5 breastfed babies. I started as a breastfeeding teenage mother. I went from being a breastfeeding mother to being a breastfeeding peer counselor, to becoming a CLC. I have dedicated my life to empowering women to successfully breastfeed their babies and reap the benefits...
Tytina Sanders-Bey's picture
Note: If you’re an African American nursing mom living anywhere in the country and interested in donating breast milk for this research, please contact Beth Punska at (413) 545-0813, or email her at . More information is also at the study website . If you’re not African...
Motherlove Herbal Company's picture
There I was in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, known to many as “Fort Lost in the Woods” due to its location in central Missouri. I was well over a thousand miles from home and family and holding my first-born child in in the delivery/recovery room of the maternity ward. I was in love and I was in...
Tanya Kalehia Workman's picture
Driving through town, we see billboards that display advertisements for business in the community. Even though it is important to promote business to help our economy grow, another issue of equal importance is the promotion of healthy human life...healthy human INFANT life, to be direct. For...
Tangela Boyd's picture
One of the greatest struggles for breastfeeding mothers is to have our voices heard and accommodations met in order to express milk and feed our children in public places. Women have lobbied and fought for years to establish lactation rooms in their places of employment and public facilities. Only...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture
Long before my bouncing baby boy entered my life, I knew I would be breastfeeding. I’d read all the studies that detailed how breast milk was the ideal food for infants, the biological norm that provided the perfect combination of nutrients and immune system boosters for baby, and plenty of health...
Shannon Shelton Miller's picture
To be honest, I never considered not breastfeeding I was a woman, I had breasts, and I was having a child. That is what breasts are for right? To feed babies. That was my point of view. My mother always boasted about breastfeeding her children. How long she breastfed and how wonderful it was for...
Paperdollcincy's picture
As I read the recent MMWR from CDC, I was encouraged to see that we are making progress in increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration as a nation. I was even more delighted to see that, while African American women continue to have the lowest breastfeeding rates among all ethnicities, the gap...
Sahira Long's picture
Porchia-Albert teaches an ASDS doula training at Freebrook Spaces in Brooklyn, NY. Attention: If you had your doubts about women doing it all, I’ve found one who can. She’s a mother of four all under the age of four and simultaneously, she is saving the world. She talks about her accomplishments as...
Jessica Fedenia's picture
I come from a long line of functional artists, domestics, and earth workers. Every family home I visited as a child had loads of quilts and handmade furniture, an iron pot, a garden, and a story. Until this day, I sit at the feet of my family “griots” to hear about the legacies and histories of my...
Jeanine K. Valrie's picture
