Diana Donlon
Diana Donlon is the Director of Center for Food Safety's Cool Foods Campaign and the mother of two teenage boys.
Blog Post List

July 29, 2014
In his engrossing new book, The Third Plate, Dan Barber observes that our present food system is disconnected: It operates in silos: vegetables here, animals there, grains somewhere else – each component part separate from the others and unhitched to any kind of culture.
June 25, 2014
Vermont is a cool place and it’s getting cooler. The Green Mountain State passed a “ universal recycling law ” (Act 148) that has a number of progressive provisions including mandatory composting. Starting this summer, enterprises that generate two tons or more of food scraps per week – e.g., grocery stores, restaurants and food producers – must divert them from landfills. Because the law is being phased in over several years, residents have until 2020 to comply. After that, food scraps and yard debris ( i.e., leaves and wood scraps) will be banned from landfills. If this sounds a bit...

June 5, 2014
June 5th is World Environment Day. It’s like Earth Day, celebrated here in the U.S., but for the whole wide World! Run by the United Nation Environment Program (or UNEP) it was established in 1972 by the U.N. General Assembly. In honor of World Environment Day 2014, Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign is releasing a new video called “ Be Climate Smart with Cool Foods. ” It lays out five principles you can use to make food choices on a daily basis that help take a bite out of climate change. Like the energy and transportation systems, the global food system accounts for a significant...
April 11, 2014
Years of Living Dangerously airs this Sunday on Showtime. The first episode, which is highly worth your time, investigates different facets of the climate crisis in Texas, Syria, and Indonesia. The Indonesia segment is spearheaded by actor Harrison Ford who journeys deep into the tropical forest not as a swashbuckling adventurer, but more as a sober statesman, to uncover a paradise mostly lost. Along the way, we learn that Indonesia has the world’s highest rate of deforestation. Indeed, NASA scientists have determined that a full twenty percent of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come...
November 15, 2013
When I learned that Mom’s Rising was hosting a teleconference and twitter chat with the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, I was thrilled; so thrilled, in fact, that I tweeted the following: “#MomsonClimate We see this national call as an important turning point for climate sanity!” The tide is finally turning and we parents are mobilizing on climate change -- the issue of all issues. I’ve been thinking about the power of moms in relationship to climate for a long time. In fact, way back in 2006, I wrote an essay called, “Now playing in my town – Climate Change –...
September 4, 2013
As a nation, we have become accustomed to paying relatively little for our food as a percentage of overall income. [i] While this cheap food may on the face of it seem like a good thing, it actually comes at an alarming, and astronomical, cost. This is due to the fact that whenever you buy non-organic food, the price you pay doesn’t actually reflect the true cost of production. The true costs of chemical, industrial agriculture are externalized and society is stuck footing a hefty and unacceptable bill. These include the sky-rocketing costs of health care associated with diet-related illness...
June 28, 2013
The internet is abuzz with the impending birth of Kate Middleton’s royal baby. Meanwhile, Rachel, Nina and Natalie, three amazing young women I know, are also welcoming little ones this summer. Like Kate, they want the best for their babies and are thoughtfully preparing their nurseries. This period of anticipation is the perfect time to think about how you, as a new parent, can give your baby not only the best start in life, but the best future. Because while parents may differ on life’s small decisions, every parent in the world can agree that we want our children to grow up and live life...
April 30, 2013
If your pediatrician recommends eating more fruits and vegetables, what they really mean is to eat organic fruits and vegetables. Last fall the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) published a report on pesticides that can be summed up in just one sentence: “Children’s exposures to pesticides should be limited as much as possible.” The report, Pesticide Exposure in Children , was published by the country’s most renowned group of children’s doctors, and the Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign is in complete agreement with its no-nonsense recommendation. Choosing foods that are...
March 15, 2013
One thing about life with teens is that you never know what’s coming next. As moms, we know this takes patience, humor, flexibility and a bit of creativity. Just before ten last night, I was heading upstairs after a full day at work followed by a full evening at school watching skits on “How to survive in a Mars Colony!” when my older son, Jackson, called out “Hey Mom. What can I bring to the international potluck we’re having in Mr. Doherty’s class tomorrow? I had planned to make guacamole, but we only have two avocados and one is rock hard.” I took a deep breathe, resisted the urge to...
March 1, 2013
This past President’ Day my oldest child turned 18 and instead of celebrating his young adulthood with him, I was across the country standing on the National Mall with more than 40,000 strangers. While I may sound like an uncaring mom, the opposite is true. I’d gone to Washington DC precisely because I care so much about the world our children will inherit. This sea of people was at the Capitol asking the President to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and address climate change without further delay. Participating in this rally led me to reflect on the freedoms of speech and assembly that I...
February 14, 2013
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This year why not show your love the Cool Foods way? 1. CHOCOLATES February 14th is the day that gives you license to indulge in high quality chocolate! And with the current renaissance of independent choco latiers specializing in small batches and innovative flavor combinations, there has never been a better time to be a chocolate lover. Choosing organic, fair trade chocolate lets you show your love for the earth, the hardworking people who grew those precious cocoa beans, and, of course, for your special someone. 2. CANDIES Not a chocolate lover,...
February 8, 2013
Spread the news! The largest climate rally EVER in the U.S. is taking place on Sunday, February 17th in Washington, DC. Thousands of people are mobilizing for the rally, which is organized by 350.org, the Sierra Club, and the Hip Hop Caucus; the Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign is one of dozens of organizations across the U.S. that has signed on to join the march. As moms we care so much – and work so hard – to ensure that our children have a promising, secure future. Climate change threatens every single thing that we parents hope for them. Climate change manifests as extreme...
December 6, 2012
December and baking go together. When the temperature drops outside, it’s nice to be inside baking something that warms up the house and fills the air with inviting smells. All too often, however, those lovely baked-goods mean extra empty calories for the whole family. And at a time when unsettling childhood obesity is on the rise, kids don’t need the extra weight the winter holidays can bring. Fortunately, I’ve figured out a work-around, but sharing it with you involves “outing myself”; I am a sneaky baker. By that I mean I like to sneak a variety of fresh, healthy climate-friendly...
November 4, 2012
Para español, haga clic aquí . While election season is upon us, let’s remember that we are already voting every day. Not at the ballot box, of course, but at the grocery store with your dollars, and at home with your fork! As we make daily choices about what we buy and eat, we are “voting” for how we want food to be grown and distributed in our country. Voting is a privilege and with privilege comes responsibility. When it comes to food, what kinds of responsibilities do parents have? Well, we have a responsibility to feed our children healthy and nutritious food. We have a responsibility to...
November 4, 2012
For English, click here . Si bien la temporada electoral ha llegado, debemos recordar que de hecho, ya estamos votando cada día. No en las urnas, claro, pero en el supermercado con sus dólares, ¡y en casa con su tenedor! Al tomar decisiones acerca de lo que compramos y lo que comemos, estamos “votando” por la forma en que queremos que se cosechen y se distribuyan los alimentos en este país. Votar es un privilegio, y con el privilegio viene la responsabilidad. Cuando se trata de la comida, ¿qué tipo de responsabilidad tienen los padres y las madres? Pues, tenemos la responsabilidad de...
September 13, 2012
There has been a parade of headlines lately about the shocking statistic that approximately 40 percent of the food in the United States is thrown away. Even allowing some room for error, this level of waste is staggering on many fronts. For starters, in 2010, 17.2 million households were classified as “food insecure”—a euphemism that spells millions of hungry people in our country. Then, there are people like farmers, farm workers and ranchers who labor exhaustingly to grow our food, so it’s pretty inexcusable that we don’t even eat it. On top of it all, this level of food waste represents...
September 6, 2012
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I used to bring my lunch to school. Invariably tucked inside my “Peanuts” lunchbox was a sandwich, a few carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, and a couple of home-made cookies, usually oatmeal. Although I loved oatmeal cookies, I’d been seduced by TV commercials and would covet the unmistakable cylinders of aluminum foil emerging from my classmates’ Barbie lunchboxes, containing little frosted, cream-filled cakes known as Ho-Hos. Although my mother had nothing against sugar or chocolate, she was far too sensible to buy the wrapped and preservative-laden...
August 3, 2012
It’s hot out! With heat records falling across the U.S. every day, we’re a nation in pursuit of cool . So when it comes to meal time this summer, forgoing the stove and dining on a hearty salad with extra pitchers of lemonade might be the norm. But there is far more to this subject of ‘cool foods’ than meets the eye. Has it ever crossed your mind that some foods may actually be contributing to these outbursts of extreme weather? Strange as that might sound, it’s true. The way food is grown, processed, packaged and distributed makes some food “climate-friendly” and other food “climate-...