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Q uick – what come to mind when you hear “mom” and “blogger” in the same sentence? If you thought “potty training, pre-school and playgrounds,” you’re probably in the majority. But you’re also wrong. In her marvelous book Mothers of Intention , Joanne Bamberger – aka PunditMom – shows us just how...
Martha Burk's picture
Tis the costume-planning season! Keeping Halloween green and nontoxic doesn't have to be a chore. It can actually be a fun way to get creative and save money, while staying safe and earth-friendly. Try one of these tips to make your Halloween a little greener. Share your green Halloween tips and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Kids today are the online generation, whether they are using mobile phones, laptops, PCs or playing games and connecting on social media. They are also at the epicenter of a powerful digital advertising apparatus that stealthily tracks and targets them so they can be sent interactive ads for junk...
Joy Spencer's picture
Anita's picture
There are some universal truths about being a parent, and one of them is that when we try to talk with our teenagers, it can feel like we’re speaking in different languages. This is especially true when we’re talking to them about sex. Recently, Planned Parenthood , Family Circle magazine, and the...
Leslie Kantor's picture
The impact of incarceration transcends the boundaries of penal institutions. In addition to the financial challenges it generates, comes the emotional effect of being separated from a loved one. More than half of prisoners with children are held more than 100 miles away from where they lived...
Amalia Deloney's picture
Last week, M along with over a hundred New Yorkers rolled on City Hall for a stroller brigade in support of working parents and their children. In addition to our partners at A Better Balance, Community Service Society, Make the Road NY, Working Families NY, and ColorOfChange, moms...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Know what tonight is? It's the only Vice Presidential debate of the 2012 election cycle! Yes, that always unpredictable debate that has spawned zingers like "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy," and the question still lingering on everyone's mind, "Can I call you Joe?" Undoubtedly, we're in for some...
Kristin's picture
A few weeks ago, actor and mom Amy Poehler made a video supporting the California Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Amy balances being a mom with a career as an actor, writer, and producer. In the video she explains: “it wouldn’t be possible for me to do all those things without the help that I get...
Andrea Cristina Mercado's picture
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and its cheat sheet, , stresses the importance of eating more fruits and vegetables. Half of everything we eat should be a fruit or vegetable, minimally processed . Not fruit juice, not smoothies, not apple sauce, not frozen fruit sorbet . When...
