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In 2004 I co-founded a digital strategy company that focuses on inbound marketing (i.e., getting clients found via the Internet). My team consists of independent contractors that work virtually throughout the US as well as in other countries. In talking with Joan Blades, I learned that we worked...
Cynthia Mackey's picture
The first debate in this presidential campaign season is remarkable not for what the candidates said, but for what they didn’t say. In spite of the fact that the Presidency cannot be won without a majority of women’s votes, discussion of the economy and health care was narrow and bogged down in...
Valerie Young's picture
Do you believe that there is a reason babies are colicky? That it might not be gas, or nutrition, or your breast milk? That maybe it’s something that little girl or guy is going through, emotionally?
Michelle Noehren's picture
“I’d like to eat healthy food, but those stores are just too expensive.” I hear that over and over again, and it’s true. Some of those stores that boast of delicious, abundant produce, grass-fed beef and fresh-caught fish, are indeed expensive, but you do have some other options. Certainly the...
care2's picture
Have you ever been taken off guard by a child’s question about weight? Like, “Mom, am I fat?” or “Can I go on a diet?” Many parents hear heartbreaking stories from their children about being teased on the bus or know that their child is worried about changing clothes in front of others for physical...
Kate Uslan's picture
A mom arrested for letting her two children play outside? Isn’t that what kids are supposed to do? Yes. you read that right. Tammy Cooper was arrested last week and thrown into jail because her two kids, ages 6 and 9, were playing outside. The youngsters weren’t vandalizing, or causing any kind of...
care2's picture
Let's face it: Last night both Governor Romney and President Obama missed a chance to win over women and mom voters. "Missing from the debate: #women #fairpay #childcare #paidsickdays #kids #moderator - #risers #momsvote #Kids2012" We're not alone in feeling this way: The above Tweet that we sent...
Kristin's picture
This story originally appeared in the One Union Mom blog. At the height of Occupy last year, I was talking with a dad at my kids' school and he said, "Can you believe that some parents take their kids to PROTESTS?" (He didn't realize he was talking to a union mom whose kids' hands are calloused...
Jenya Cassidy's picture
Early morning wake-ups, packing lunches, and after school snacks are starting to feel routine once again… but are you approaching this with a green mindset? I encourage you to not only consider what is IN the food, but what the FOOD is in. Packing food for school (or work, if you have “graduated”)...
When it comes to public policy issues of importance to our nation’s children, female policymakers and Moms – not surprisingly – are typically more supportive and active on children’s issues than men, even as we all continue to work hard to enlighten more men so that children’s needs will become a “...
Bruce Lesley's picture
