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By Galen Sherwin, Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project When it comes to public education, there is no doubt that we are in a crisis, particularly when it comes to low-income and minority students. Unfortunately, the search for solutions has led to a movement across the country to establish...
ACLU's picture
My husband and I are expecting our first baby in December, and we just might be moving to Finland within the next few years–unless schools around here get better soon. And by “better,” I don’t mean that they start churning out higher test scores. I want my daughter to go to a school where she can...
This past Saturday, the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) completed its 16th Biennial Convention. where we recommitted ourselves to those priorities that are so critical to working women and their families. The highest priority at our founding convention 37 years ago and now is JOBS ! But when...
Carol Rosenblatt's picture
Here at FamiliesUSA, we get questions all the time from folks in the "sandwich generation" who are seeking better health care coverage for both their kids and their aging parents. People want to know things like: - What can I do to ensure coverage for my kids if I lose my job? - What should I do if...
Even though back to school chaos is long over, and autumn weather has hit quite a bit of the country, today is the official end of summer. In honor of the official end of the season, here’s a round up of this summer’s Tips Tuesday tips. Enjoy, and get ready for a whole new batch of autumn-themed,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Amparo Moreno cares for 8 children in her home, almost half of them with special needs and five of them eligible for subsidized care. Moreno's families are lucky. She used to work at a school for special needs adults and is passionate about helping children with behavioral issues master the social...
Hundreds of studies have linked BPA to serious health problems , including cancer, heart disease, obesity, and a number of reproductive issues. With 2 billion pounds of BPA produced annually in the US, it’s no wonder that 93% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their bodies . So with BPA...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Elizabeth Gedmark is a Law Fellow at A Better Balance. NBC’s new comedy show, “Up All Night,” which premiered Wednesday night stars Christina Applegate as a working mother who has just come back to work after taking maternity leave. Her husband, played by Will Arnett, is a new stay-at-home Dad who...
Elizabeth Gedmark's picture
Know that new plastic shower curtain smell? Smells good you say? Well not so fast. The familiar new shower curtain smell may be toxic to your health. When you open a new PVC (aka vinyl) shower curtain, you’re immediately hit with a strong chemical odor, which may persist in your home for days,...
Mike Schade's picture
Toy Story. Disney Princesses. Dangerous toxic chemicals. One of these things is not like the others, right? Wrong. A new study by the Breast Cancer Fund shows that the dangerous toxic chemical BPA appears in a wide variety of canned foods specifically marketed towards kids like Campbell's Disney...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
