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Parental leave with pay when a child is born or adopted is an important support for working families, yet most US private sector workers do not have this benefit. Human Rights Watch ( ), a nongovernmental human rights group, is interviewing parents in the US about their experiences with...
Janet Walsh's picture
by Kelli Garcia , Fellow, National Women's Law Center When I was breastfeeding my daughter, I was lucky enough to have a comfortable private space at work to express breast milk and supervisors who understood the necessity of taking breaks. Now, thanks to the recently passed health care reform bill...
Thao Nguyen's picture
There’s a school just outside L.A., where all the students are classified as “poor.” Until a few years ago, the school’s location was considered part of a gang’s territory, with a violent history. Crossing the line to get to the Vaughn school meant you were taking your life into your own hands. But...
Homa Tavangar's picture
In 2002, Norway enacted a law requiring that 40 percent of all board members at state-owned and publicly listed companies be women by 2008. Since then, Spain and the Netherlands have passed similar laws. Now Belgium, Britain, Germany, France and Sweden are considering legislative measures involving...
Sharon Meers's picture
By Michael F. Jacobson, Executive Director Center for Science in the Public Interest A lot of parents notice that the foods our kids eat affect their behavior. Some of those effects are subtle, some less so. Most dads and moms know that sugar and caffeine can have a dramatic impact on behavior, but...
Mike Jacobson's picture
On March 23, Washington governor Chris Gregoire signed a law to prevent the shackling of pregnant women during labor and childbirth, after a successful campaign that included testimony by women who spoke out about what happened to them when they were imprisoned. The new law offers protection to...
Rachel Roth's picture
New America Media, Q&A with Ellen Wu, Aaron Glantz, Posted: Mar 24, 2010 // Editor’s Note: The health reform legislation signed yesterday by President Obama is a “really big win for communities of color,” according to Ellen Wu, MPH, executive director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network...
Ellen Wu's picture
by Jill Morrison , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center [The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's own and do not necessarily represent the opinions or positions of -Eds.] The National Women's Law Center is an organization that supports abortion rights, so we’ve...
Thao Nguyen's picture
My friend Jane has a problem. She works full-time for a government agency in California and has two little girls in preschool. Jane is really good at her job. Jane is losing her mind.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
"All of my years of experience and knowledge holds no water in today's economy. I've applied to over 1000 jobs, near and far, and am competing for jobs with hundreds of people, young, old, experienced, inexperienced, etc." That's the experience of MomsRising Member, Rebecca, a single mom in...
Sarah Francis's picture
