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We're back with this week's list of top actions, ready for you to sign and share. This is a busy time for lawmakers, as new bills and budgets are being proposed and voted on at the federal and state levels. We must remain vigilant and speak out about the proposals that help families and our economy...
Karen Showalter's picture
On March 15, a terrorist carrying two semi-automatic weapons and three rifles attacked worshipers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 50 men, women, and children—some of them refugees who had fled war zones seeking safety. In the hours that followed nearly 70,000 New Zealanders...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Just hours after more than 100 people in Christchurch were injured or killed in a brutal anti-Muslim hate crime, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that New Zealand's gun laws would be changed. Six days later, New Zealand banned military-style semi-automatic assault weapons and high capacity...
Gloria Pan's picture
Books have played an outsized role in my life. As an introverted only child and the daughter of a bookworm, growing up, children’s books were my refuge and my joy. My favorite teacher to this day was my high school English teacher, Mrs. Betty Lou Blumberg, who introduced me to great fiction with...
Tara Sarathy's picture
Maureen Bowling on Capitol Hill
This is a guest post by Maureen Bowling, a RESULTS advocate in Lexington, Kentucky. A little under four years ago, my children and I were facing homelessness. I was in an abusive relationship that was threatening my life. I had to get out. I had been a stay-at-home mom for over a decade. When I...
Deborah Lash's picture
VICTORY!!! The House of Representative just PASSED the Paycheck Fairness Act -- right in time for Equal Pay Day on April 2nd! Now we’re charging full speed ahead toward the U.S. Senate with our campaign for equal pay! Tell your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor and advance the Paycheck Fairness Act. This...
Sara Alcid's picture
Happy Saturday! We're sharing our latest list of top actions from the past week for your social justice-seeking pleasure. This week we're talking about gun safety, tax reform, maternal justice, and more! As always your voice is powerful and urgently needed. Please take a moment to sign and share...
Karen Showalter's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]
GOOD NEWS! Here’s a welcome good news story about kids’ health and the environment: In North Carolina, public health officials have been working for more than 30 years to eliminate childhood lead poisoning – and have come very close to doing so. Read more here! MOMSRISING RADIO: Have you checked...
Anita's picture
Repeal the Trump Tax Scam!
It’s tax time and we are getting an angry earful from moms around the country about Trump’s backwards tax scam— and need your help letting Congress know what’s going on in the real lives of families in our nation: “ My taxes have gone up due to the cap on state and local taxes. Now it does not pay...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Working Families Tax Credit
Today, working people, parents, and families were in Olympia to rally support for the Working Families Tax Credit and urge lawmakers to include funding for the credit in their 2019 budget proposals. Back us up by sending your lawmakers a quick email urging them to support a modern Working Families...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
