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You know that time you told your kids, “Don’t worry about what other kids are doing, just worry about yourself?” Well it’s time to walk that all back because it turns out that when it comes to voting, we can harness peer pressure for good! Watch our fun, boxing-gloves-on, voting-music-turned-up,...
Donna's picture
On the radio show this week we’re talking about the POWER of your VOTE — and the importance of fighting anti semitism in our nation. *Special guests include: Donna Norton, MomsRising @MomsRising Adam Hertzman, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh @JewishFedPGH Bob Bland, Women’s March @...
Amber Dorsey's picture
“That candidates were answering to us was really powerful. I was really glad I got to be a part of it. Even though I can’t vote yet, I’m doing everything I can to tell my family and friends the importance of using their vote.” –Kelsey, high school sophomore in Austin, Texas “I thought it was really...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
woman with both thumbs down
It’s GO TIME in North Carolina for voting and we have gotten a lot of questions from our members about the proposed amendments on the ballot. MomsRising urges you to oppose all six and we’ll explain why below. Take action now: Sign on to say you’ll vote AGAINST all six constitutional amendments on...
Felicia Burnett's picture
The MOMentum you created in October was scary good — and it’s still going! Your generosity is helping us mobilize women, moms, and the people who love them to get out the vote across the nation, to stand up for maternal justice, and so much more.
Anita's picture
The closer we get to a major election, the more likely it is that political ads will hit below the belt. Negative political ads expose kids to highly partisan, sometimes inflammatory, and even frightening images. But because they're so extreme, it makes them ideal for analyzing the devices they use...
Caroline Knorr's picture
“Public charge” is part of federal immigration law for over a century. The “public charge” test is designed to identify people who may depend on the government as their main source of support. If the government determines that a person is likely to become a “public charge,” it can deny a person...
To-wen Tseng's picture
We Are MomsRising!
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Jade in California about the childcare struggle and her experiences as an immigrant. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . My partner Caesar is Mexican and I am British. It took...
Abbie Gately's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Person with long dark curly hair stands at a voting booth.]
On the radio show this week we cover turning rage into action, powering up to go vote on (or before) November 6th, and why it’s critically important to stand up for transgender rights right now. *Special guests include: Soraya Chemaly, author of Rage Becomes Her @schemaly Ruth Martin,Vice President...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Children continue to be terrorized by the daily reality that there is no safe space in our gun-saturated country. They are filled with fear they will be killed in a school shooting, on the streets of their neighborhoods and even in the sacred places where they and their families worship. A Sikh...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
