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Work & Family
[photo of 3 adults and 2 children]
October is National Work and Family Month and it’s a good time to talk about the demands of both work and family. Workers, especially working parents, need workplace supports that help address deep systemic inequities based on race, class, and gender. We need policies that make it possible for...
Seayoung Yim's picture
Many of us are still reeling from the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. But women and people who are concerned about the rights of survivors of sexual assault are ever more united in our conviction that the confirmation fight cannot be in vain and we will...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Groucho Marx glasses with fake nose and eyebrows
As soon as I RSVP’ed to a Facebook event for the 2019 Women’s March in Raleigh, NC back in August, I knew something didn’t smell right. The page owners were posting unintelligent memes that seemed totally out of character, and no-one would reply to my messages asking who was in charge. Knowing how...
ruby's picture
At 11 am on October 13, 2018, Jackson’s mamas got together at the Mississippi Museum of Art to engage in an honest conversation on education and the centering of black motherhood in Jackson, Mississippi. MomsRising and the People’s Advocacy Institute led the initiative in partnership with the...
Noel Didla's picture
Your voice is urgently needed! The Trump administration has just announced a proposed regulation that if put into effect, would plunge an estimated 500,000 children into poverty. [1] Say NO to the Trump administration's new attack on immigrant families! Submit your comment to the Department of...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
Young people can’t forge the future alone; we need everyone’s voice and we really need your votes. Groups like MomsRising, MarchForOurLives, and more are holding accountable all those who can vote and those we elect, so we can take real steps to end gun violence in America.
Dorie Klein's picture
This week on the MomsRising #RisersRadio show we talk about how we each can make an impact, be greater than fear, VOTE, move forward policy with our anger, and amp up our democracy. *Special guests include: Ify Ike, Think Rubrix, Mass Bailout, @IfyIkeEsq Donna Norton, MomsRising, @MomsRising...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Power Up #MomsVote!
Whoa. There was a HUGE surge of requests for MomsVote postcards from the MomsRising community this weekend. We are past our deadline to print more postcards, but we still urgently need your help to fund this project! Can you help us send the postcards -- and fuel the rest of the MomsVote campaign...
Kristin's picture
Capitalism, for better or worse, is a race to the top where the starting gun only goes off once. As much as we may like to think that our economic circumstances are determined by our talent and hard work alone, there are hundreds of years of history that play a role in influencing the path our...
Stephen Prince's picture
With only 25 days left until election day, we need to double our efforts to help Get Out The Vote. We’ve organized #5Actions you can do today to help. Please remember to share this with family and friends, too. Thank you for all you do! On with the list ... 1. ONE MORE CHANCE: Until this Sunday at...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
