Seayoung (pronounced SHEE YOUNG) has been involved with Seattle-based social and racial justice community organizations for several years. These organizations include Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Foundation, the International Examiner, and Social Justice Fund Northwest. She also has years of direct service experience working with leadership development programs for youth of color. In her last position, as an early learning policy associate, she advocated for racially equitable early learning policies at both the state and federal level with the Children's Alliance Early Learning Team. After hours, Seayoung is a playwright, who is passionate about telling theatrical stories about her community.
Blog Post List

June 16, 2019
Los Permisos Pagados no son solo para las mamás, sin embargo, los papás piden permiso con mucha menos frecuencia que las mamás. Incluso cuando los papás tienen acceso a permisos familiares pagados a través de su empleador, a menudo son presionados socialmente para no pedir el permiso. 70% de los papás solo toman 10 días o menos de permiso pagado. De acuerdo con un estudio, más de la mitad de los papás que trabajan en empleos de baja remuneración dijeron que no tomaron ninguna semana de permiso pagado para darle la bienvenida a un nuevo hijo biológico o adoptivo. En la actualidad, las mujeres...

June 13, 2019
Paid leave is not just for moms. Yet, dads take leave a lot less than moms . Even when dads have access to paid family leave through their employer, they often feel social pressure to leave the benefit on the table. Seventy percent of dads only take 10 days or less of paid leave. According to one study , over one half of dads in low-income job said they took zero weeks of paid leave from work to welcome a new child through birth or adoption. Women currently are the primary breadwinner for ⅔ of families with children, but often the parents who stop working to care for children. More than ever...

May 3, 2019
Informes recientes revelan que un segmento cada vez mayor de la fuerza laboral tiene varios empleos de medio tiempo o trabaja por cuenta propia, especialmente en el estado de Washington en donde cada vez más empleos temporales y contratos se añaden a la economía informal . De acuerdo con The Seattle Times, 7% de la fuerza laboral del estado de Washington trabaja medio tiempo y ocupa el “octavo lugar en cantidad de personas que trabaja medio tiempo involuntariamente”. Desafortunadamente, muchas personas que trabajan medio tiempo o por cuenta propia tradicionalmente no han recibido los...
![[graphic of suitcases and text that says "Why a Portable Paid Leave Benefit is Awesome"]](
April 29, 2019
Recent reports have shown that a growing part of the workforce work multiple part time jobs and or are self-employed, especially in Washington State where the gig economy is booming with temporary and contracted jobs. According to The Seattle Times, 7% of Washington State’s workforce is working part-time and is ranked “eighth highest among the states in the rate of those working part time involuntarily. ” Unfortunately, many part-time and self-employed individuals have traditionally been excluded from receiving family friendly benefits like paid family and medical leave because they are only...

February 12, 2019
In 2012, I helped organized the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community to build support for our LGBT members and marriage equality in Washington State. The messaging for that campaign was tailored for the (API) community, where love for family was emphasized over individual romantic love. This is because in many of our cultures, our identities are rooted in our membership to our communities and in our families--sometimes more than as individuals. Recently, I was particularly moved when Sandra Oh brought her parents to the Emmys. As she stood on the stage to receive her Emmy as the first Asian...
Write a LTE!

November 16, 2018
November is all about gratitude--counting the blessings and gifts we have now. For some, a main source of gratitude is the presence of family and the ability to provide for loved ones. That’s why we’re extra thankful that Washington families will soon be able to benefit from Washington’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave program. That’s right! Starting in January 2020, workers will be able to take paid time off to care for themselves and family members during times of joy and times of hardship -- and it’ll even the playing field for small businesses. But there is a catch: In order for this...
Work & Family
![[photo from Canva] [photo of 3 adults and 2 children]](
October 17, 2018
October is National Work and Family Month and it’s a good time to talk about the demands of both work and family. Workers, especially working parents, need workplace supports that help address deep systemic inequities based on race, class, and gender. We need policies that make it possible for everyone to have strong families--like equal wages, paid leave, and affordable childcare. National Work and Family Month was created to celebrate strides made in creating workplaces that promote the well-being of workers and their families. Washington was recently ranked as one of the best states to...
¡Por favor únete a MomsForce del Estado de Washington

September 12, 2018
El regreso a clases viene lleno de nuevos comienzos. Una nueva temporada, nuevos salones de clase y este año, ¡una nueva política de permisos familiares y médicos pagados en el Estado de Washington! Los miembros de MomsRising se unieron en el 2017 para lograr la aprobación de la mejor política de permisos familiares y médicos pagados de la nación y la implementación del nuevo programa ya está en marcha. ¡Pero necesitamos tu ayuda para asegurar que todas las familias se beneficien! Así es, ¡necesitamos de la ayuda de todos en este momento! Todos tenemos que alzar la voz para asegurar que cada...
Join WA State MomsForce!

September 5, 2018
Back-to-school time is filled with fresh starts. A new season, new classrooms, and, this year, a new paid family and medical leave program coming to Washington State! MomsRising members came together in 2017 to help pass a best-in-nation paid family and medical leave policy and now implementation of the new program is well underway. But we need your help to be sure all families benefit! That’s right, this is an all hands on deck moment! We all need to speak up to be sure every person knows about the opportunities available to them through Washington’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program...