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Recently, I decided to do something I hadn’t done before. After seeing a post from a friend on Facebook that stated the person was unable to find her name on the voter registration database, I jumped on the Florida Department of State voter page to do a quick search, certain that I would find my...
Sili Recio's picture
The U.S. Delegation to the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly (WHA) undermined a global resolution aimed at supporting breastfeeding, threatening trade sanctions against Ecuador before yielding to a proposal put forth by Russia, reported by the New York Times . The draft resolution was...
To-wen Tseng's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: President Trump and President Putin stand behind podiums at the Helsinki summit.
It's time. This is our moment to say: Not on our watch. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and people across the political spectrum must stand together and condemn Donald Trump for his disloyalty to our own government and disregard of Russia’s threats to our nation’s electoral integrity. How do...
Kristin's picture
Urge the Portland City Council to pass a universal earned sick days ordinance that doesn't leave out certain workers or families!
Sara Alcid's picture
Last week I had the amazing opportunity to press pause on the day to day responsibilities of raising four young kids and juggling my work as the affiliate director of the New Hampshire Association for the Education of Young Children. I flew to Washington, D.C. with some of my favorite MomsRising...
Sarah Sadowski's picture
Last month, I represented MomsRising as part of the first ever Grassroots Assembly on Childcare and Early Education. Seventy five policy and advocacy groups came together to discuss the state of childcare in America. We came from all over the country; from the inner city of Detroit, the beaches of...
Regan Lamphier's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A group of veterans joins the water protectors at Standing Rock.]
The value of service was instilled in me from birth. Both of my Grandfathers fought in World War II, one in the Army and one in the Navy. My Father is a former Marine, and my Uncle served 21 years in the Navy. My cousin and my nephew have all served, my family can trace our service back to the...
Brandon Boucher's picture
The summer is well under way—kids are out of school, the days are long, and hot. Just because we are having summer fun, doesn’t mean we can’t make healthy eating choices. We’ve prepared some tips to get the whole family to eat healthy this summer! TIP #1: Ditch the ice cream and opt for: popsicles...
Diana Limongi's picture
Happy Friday! We're back with our handy list of top actions from the past week, ready for you to review, sign and share. This week we're focusing on real solutions to paid family and medical leave, and speaking out about maternal health, as well as breastfeeding. We're also eager to hear your...
Karen Showalter's picture
Toxic stress is the highest costs of the Trump Administration’s shameful punishment of those fleeing violence. But there are other dollar costs that underscore how unnecessarily bad their approach is.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
