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“I just don’t know what I’m going to do with Jonah. Today is the last day of his afterschool program, but there are still two weeks before school is out. And then what am I going to do until September?” It’s early June and I’m catching up with my coworker, Karen. Every summer, she scrambles to find...
Cristina Novoa's picture
Come learn to #RunAsYouAre! Sign up for this FREE workshop on how to enter public service! Sign up here Have you ever thought about running for office but didn't know where to start? We're partnering with VoteRunLead to offer a great workshop just for you -- and it's FREE! Who's this workshop for?...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Every year at this time we celebrate mothers and fathers for the important role they play in supporting our families. And yet as a society we don’t do enough to truly help mothers who face unique challenges on the road to birthing and raising children. Between 700 and 1200 mothers die during...
Jeretha McKinley's picture
Last month, we held our first Moms Of Teens event and boy was it eye opening! The panel was amazing and parents walked away with information and ideas they could take away and apply at home. Following are three points coordinator, Hellen Nurse wants to share with you. Teens don't need you to...
Monifa Bandele's picture
On the night Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who had announced his decision to run for president, was campaigning in Indiana when the news came of Dr. King’s assassination. He movingly shared the terrible news with the waiting crowd of mostly Black people, urging...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
boy playing baseball
Can you believe it's already June? Kids are getting out of school, temperatures are heating up, and hopefully you'll have some time to relax and recharge a bit! To make taking action as easy as possible, we're once again packaging our most urgent campaigns of the past week into one easy #5Actions...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action!
Person with white hair sits in wheelchair pushed by another person outdoors under a blue sky.
BREAKING NEWS: The Michigan Legislature has passed their terrible, horrible, harmful, and unnecessary Medicaid work requirements bill , and it will be heading to Governor Snyder’s desk in the coming days. This is our last chance to speak out and stop this bill, which would take away the health care...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Happiness is a warm puppy. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. Don't worry, be happy! Rules for how to live happily are nothing new. But lately, our well-being -- and that of our kids -- seems to be in free fall. Depression , anxiety , and even youth suicide rates are increasing, as...
Caroline Knorr's picture
Washington! You did it! Today, the Equal Pay Opportunity Act became law! This just-enacted-law means three big changes to your rights and protections in the workplace: Protects the right of workers to share their wage or salary information with co-workers without fear of retaliation Creates a new...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
In his May 22 Op-Ed in the Washington Post entitled “Democrats’ complaints about CHIP funding are hypocrisy in its purest form,” Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney attempts to defend his proposal to rescind or raid $7 billion out of the Children’s Health Insurance Program...
Bruce Lesley's picture
