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Let’s be honest, as parents of a child, or children, with special needs of any kind, not just Down syndrome, it takes years to learn and understand that condescendence has nothing to do with inclusion, and in the end, it has nothing good to offer to our children. As the parent of two children with...
Eliana Tardio's picture
This piece originally appeared in the Daily Kos . To say that the last month has been intense is an understatement. I have family in Puerto Rico – my grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousins and the rest of my mother’s extended family– and like every other Puerto Rican on the island, they are feeling the...
Elisa Batista's picture
As congregations of all faiths are observing the National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths® Celebration this weekend, “Moving Forward with Hope: Love and Justice for Every Child,” I offer prayers for all child advocates in this very challenging time for children and families and all of us when a...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
The budget the U.S. Senate passed today would leave millions of working families worse off than they are right now. This vote undermines our country’s values and economy by prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy while leaving low-income families to fend for themselves. Its $1.5 trillion in tax cuts...
MomsRising's picture
They also voted to cut Medicare, education, housing assistance, job training, home heating/cooling assistance, SNAP, Meals on Wheels, Head Start, environmental and public health protections, child care, help for people with disabilities…
Debbie Weinstein's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
