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You've all have been busy since we were last in touch! I've seen great posts from you around so many of our issue areas (especially health care, immigration and paid family leave). Thank you for continuing to resist in the best way you know how. As we move forward, we want to keep the communication...
Sili Recio's picture
The U.S. Congress just unveiled a tax bill that would give 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%. Meanwhile, low and middle-income families across the country will be left footing the bill through higher taxes and cuts to vital health care, nutrition, and education programs. Concerned parents, grandparents...
Abbie Gately's picture
The U.S. Congress is just weeks away from unveiling a tax bill that would give 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%. Meanwhile, low and middle-income families across the country will be left footing the bill through higher taxes and cuts to vital health care, nutrition, and education programs. Concerned...
Abbie Gately's picture
The tax plan introduced by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives today is a non-starter for the moms of America and would have disastrous implications for their families and their futures. Just like the budget passed last week, this plan would raise taxes for millions while gutting...
MomsRising's picture
I’m going to tell you something that’s going to make you mad. And then I’m going to tell you something we can do about it. Here we go: Right now in the United States, Latinas earn just 54 cents for every dollar paid to a white man and Latina mothers earn just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white fathers. [1,2] This horrifying wage gap is why we are raising our voices today to mark Latina Equal Pay Day, the day signifying that Latinas in the United States have to work ALL of 2016 and until November 2nd of 2017 to finally earn as much as white men earned in 2016 alone. → We can’t end pay discrimination and close wage gaps if employers can hide the fact they are paying women and people of color less than white men.
Sara Alcid's picture
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) released their 2017 Race for Results report. The report this year takes a close look at immigrant families, and there is one finding that the executive leadership of AECF repeatedly emphasized during their release event: if we want immigrant children...
Isabella Higgins's picture
NC Health Choice ensures that vulnerable NC children have the opportunity to lead healthy lives. NC Health Choice is a result of efforts by Republicans and Democrats to pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in 1997; they agreed health insurance for vulnerable children was an important...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Behind the apps, games, and social media is a whole crew of folks whose job is to make their products feel essential. Many of the techniques they use are ones outlined by experts in human behavior, including Nir Eyal author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and BJ Fogg of Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab. Harris argues that these methods "hijack" our own good judgment. Most teens care deeply about peer validation, for example. So it makes sense that friends' feedback on social media -- both the positive and the negative -- would tug at you until you satisfy your curiosity. You have a phone in your pocket, so why not check now? And now. And now?
Caroline Knorr's picture
It’s time to #KeepMarching and use our outside voices for health care! President Trump and his administration have taken some terrible steps this year to sabotage our health care, limit consumer access to information, and confuse the public about our options for coverage. You can help fight the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong health! Republicans and Democrats created this critically important program in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children's health and future—and they were right !...
Isabella Higgins's picture
