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My values and perspectives on life have been heavily influenced by my mother—a woman of no formal academic education but whose wisdom surpasses that of many. She was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, and as a single mother she fought hard to give her 2 daughters the opportunities that she...
Zulayka Santiago's picture
President Trump’s address to Congress last month gave us in the human needs community much to smack our heads about. As the Coalition on Human Needs' Debbie Weinstein noted in this piece about Trump’s false promises, he promised better health care while working to repeal the ACA; thanks in part to...
Lecia Imbery's picture
Special guests on the #Radio show this week include: Dayna Farris-Fisher, Cancer Survivors Network, @ PPact ; Julie Morgenstern, award winning author, @JulieMorgenstrn ; Lois Frankel, United States Representative, @RepLoisFrankel ; Bill Finkbeiner, political analyst, @BillFinkbeiner ‏ HOW TO LISTEN...
Kristin's picture
Something often heard from conspiracy theorists but not taken seriously is the idea that American news was being manipulated. Apparently, it is a tactic once used by intelligence agencies and now with the amount of control the public has over global media, “fake news” has become a commercial...
Rebecca Johnson's picture
The phones in Congressional Offices are ringing off the hook these days. Some Americans are calling their Representative and Senators for the first time. Some of us are calling more frequently. People are crowding into public meetings. Letters, postcards and faxes are being sent. It is all enough...
Rylin Rodgers's picture
Have a #PussyHat in your closet? Well, break it OUT! It’s time to get together, to strategize, to make our voices HEARD, to wear our hats, and… to plan how we can have an impact at the city, state, and national levels to lift women, children, families, and our communities. It’s time to say #...
Camie Goldhammer's picture
This op-ed originally appeared in t he San Diego Union-Tribune and was authored by Representative Susan Davis and Abby Leibman Imagine serving your country, but needing help to feed your family — and because of a quirk in the law, you don’t qualify for food stamps. This is the harsh, underreported...
Abby Leibman's picture
Paid Family Leave for military families has rapidly changed in the past two years, and the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act brings even more changes. While some of these changes appear to be improvements for military parental leave, several points of the new law have left us with some...
Amy Smolinski's picture
Lead exposure remains a problem across the country and right here in New Hampshire. Every year, several hundred New Hampshire children are found to be poisoned by lead – a dangerous neurotoxin that, even at low levels of exposure, can result in permanent, irreversible harm , such as cognitive...
TomIrwin's picture
We persisted—and it worked! We just won a major health care battle! Help keep this momentum going: GIVE NOW to help us keep the fight to protect health care going strong! The U.S. House just pulled the incredibly destructive...
Felicia Burnett's picture
