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Kids and young adults are out of school and will be spending more time at parks, pools, malls, and restaurants. Among these young folk there will be a sizable percentage of kiddos who are Autistic or otherwise Developmentally Delayed. Parents and caregivers want nothing more than for their kids to...
Michelle Korth's picture
What is it like to be a parent of a child with disabilities? This has become a very common question as I’ve started to share more publicly about the challenges my child faces and how they impact her and our family. The truth is that there is no exact answer. Each parent has their own unique story...
Sheila Arias's picture
Whoa. Childcare costs more than college in most states right now. That’s a national emergency in my book. But you can do something to help address this challenge and fix it. You can educate city leaders about how they can strengthen early learning programs, like pre-k and childcare, in your...
Nina Perez's picture
When my twin sons, Nick and Jack were born in 2007, I was overwhelmed and thrilled. When Nick started missing his milestones, I was concerned. We took him to pediatricians who sent us to psychologists, occupational therapists and autism specialists who performed evaluations and tests. When Nick was...
Denise Zavaleta's picture
Grilling burgers. Family and friends. Watching fireworks. That’s what usually comes to mind when people think about the Fourth of July, when we come together regardless of background or politics and celebrate our nation’s independence. Many of us also think about our brave men and women in uniform...
Kurt Erickson's picture
On the #RADIO show this week we cover the momentum behind gun safety policies; get the inside scoop on the current state of the Presidential race; cover the importance of Jesse Williams’ BET remarks; and talk about the launch of Humanity for Hillary. *Special guests include: Shannon Watts,...
Kristin's picture
If you read CHN’s latest Human Needs Report , posted earlier this week, you know that Congress continues to squabble over funding for the Zika virus. They left for the fourth of July recess without approving additional funds. And, thanks to an in-depth article that appeared Sunday in the Washington...
David Elliot's picture
I remember when my husband and I decided to try for a second child. I wanted to have our children close together – have both in diapers – to power through this phase and be able to get back to work as soon as possible. I got pregnant quickly and breezed through doctor appointments, feeling like a...
Iara Peng's picture
My story begins 17 years ago. I had the most beautiful baby boy. He loved life. He loved people. He had big blue eyes and a big toothless grin and an even bigger heart. He was always the one to make sure you were ok. As he grew, he was excited to go off to school. He loved pre-school and...
Julie Day's picture
I will never forget the day I met the man who changed my life. It was a hot July day in Washington DC, and I had been advocating on Capitol Hill for military children with special needs. For days, for meeting after meeting, I shared stories of children who had been repeatedly denied healthcare...
Susan Reynolds's picture
