A full time working mom juggling family, work and life's ups and downs while seeking happiness in the little things.
Blog Post List
March 22, 2017
My three year old has been going to full time day care for over one and half year so all topics and issues relating to early childhood education and the teachers who form an integral part of it interest me tremendously. The other day I overheard a child care provider explaining how stressed she was that she was expected to live a decent life and feed her family on her meagre salary so I decided to do some research. The further I went into it, the more agitated and frustrated I became. I found out that while child care costs have been steadily and steeply increasing it appears that the same...
March 7, 2017
I have struggled lately to find motivation as well as inspiration to pen down my thoughts as a Muslim living in America which is a surprise as well as a disappointment. Surprise because there is so much going on that I would have enough material to focus on such as http://www.patheos.com/blogs/unfundamentalistchristians/2017/02/trumps-travel-ban-hurts-american-children/#guest-author and http://mediamatters.org/blog/2017/02/09/when-discussing-trumps-muslim-ban-cable-news-excluded-muslims/215284 among others. I have felt disheartened every time issues pertaining and directly affecting Muslims...
January 19, 2017
We speak in Urdu which is the national language of Pakistan in our house, exclusively. We made a decision when our son was born almost three years ago to keep our native language as relevant to him as we could. It is not easy since he goes to full time day care where English is spoken and the programs on PBS Kids that he watches are in English. After considerable consistency on our part, the good news is that at almost three, he fully understands Urdu even though he prefers to reply to questions in English. It is ongoing work to gently coax him to reply back in Urdu as well. I realize that...

October 20, 2016
In this age of excessive access to social media and instantaneous coverage of hyperbole rhetoric for the sake of ratings and followers, our children are constantly exposed to raw rantings. This influences their thoughts, emotions and perception of those around them. As a Muslim mother with a young son, it pains my heart when I read about seven year old Abdul Aziz being bullied for being an American Muslim . According to surveys by civil rights group Center on American–Islamic Relations, some 50% of all Muslim students in the U.S have been bullied by their peers. That should not be acceptable...

August 18, 2016
So August is the National Breastfeeding Month, I wonder how many people other than moms who breast feed know that such a day exists. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world so why do people have such strong opinions about how and where it can and cannot be done? Since becoming a mom, I have managed to pump and breastfeed just about every possible place including under a tree at Niagara Falls! It has not been easy especially since I am an introvert by nature and felt strangely exposed breastfeeding in public. It took time and courage to finally feel comfortable doing something...

June 3, 2016
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has just issued draft guidance for public comment for voluntary reduction in sodium consumption for the food industry. According to the FDA, Americans consume almost 50% more sodium than what most experts recommend. Now let’s stop and try to digest that shocking fact for a minute. It is imperative to mention that most of the sodium we consume comes from processed and prepared foods so even though we may make an effort to reduce our sodium intake by physically not putting salt in our foods and drinks, it is the hidden...

June 1, 2016
One of the first things which captivated me about the United States of America when I moved here almost 6 years ago, were the grocery aisles filled to the brim with shiny spotless fruits and vegetables. It seemed the apples, tomatoes and water melons were positively radiant. I felt instantly transported into an elaborate day dream along the lines of Alice in Wonderland. The grocery store with its endless aisles of limitless choices and of course almost magical fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, I had spent my childhood eating spotty bananas, dented apples and the occasional too ripe...

May 16, 2016
Ever since becoming a full time working mother, I cringe at how we have let corporate culture consume us. I wonder why we all do not rebel against it, take a stand, talk about it, dispel it and instead join forces to establish a corporate culture that focuses on productivity within the business hours, a culture that doesn’t measure productivity by how long you can stay chained to your desk and/or electronic device of choice. Why is it that if you appear to work long hours, answer emails at all odd hours and present yourself as available at all hours of the day, you seem to be guaranteed a...
April 11, 2016
You would think a first time mother’s reaction to “congratulations, you are pregnant” would be happiness and not an anxiety ridden look of utter confusion. We had been trying for quite some time and I even went on a dose of Clomid so yes, we were hoping and expecting this news, but what I was not expecting was a wave of uncertainty that washed over me as I drove back to work. All I could think of was what if I had a difficult pregnancy and would need rest or worse had to quit my job which gave me health insurance. To add to all of this was the fact that I immigrated to the US after my...